Angelia Joiner’s Interview with Robert Emenegger -
At the 2008 X-Conference
Angelia: I’m here with Robert Emenegger and actually we’re still in the ballroom. We just finished a marathon speakers panel, didn’t we Bob?
Bob: It was horrendous.
Angelia: It was at least two hours and we did get some interesting question but we’re glad that’s over, right?
Bob: Yes, its all behind us for now.
Angelia: I first met Bob at the Ozark Conference last week and we’ve already become great friends and we’re having so much fun that we really haven’t talked that much about the whole UFO phenomena, right?
Bob: That’s true.
Angelia: Okay, so tell me how you got involved in this.
Bob: Well, I don’t know how much you want to know about it, but I was the creative director of Gray Advertising in Southern California, the Los Angeles office, and during the Nixon re-election period I was asked to be consultant to Nixon’s campaign, and I met with him. We had a couple of meetings and decided that Nixon should stay low in television except emphasize his trip to China.
Angelia: Right.
Bob: So I had a friend who had a film studio at the same time, and we did a couple of films that were to help the Department of Defense. One was on a program to help young men determin whether they had an alcohol or drug problem, believe it or not, and I had Rod Sterling as the host of that.
Angelia: Wow!
Bob: Then we worked on the show for the shuttle, reporting on the shuttle and making people realize how little it cost to keep the shuttles going. The next thing – we both decided – let’s try and give the Department of Defense sort of an image lift. So we went out to Norton Air Force Base because my partner had had some dealings – I had been stationed in North Korea in much earlier years, much earlier anyway. So we met with them and then we started discussing how the public would feel. You know to get an idea of the positive side. I suggested, why don’t we pull up the Merrimac of the Navy… (something indistinguishable)… They were doing raster research. ARPA was an Advanced Research Project Agency so they took us to Maryland where we met with for instance a scientist who… (indistinguishable)… thinking into a computer and the computer was picking up, I think they said, about seven or eight of his words just by an attachment to his brain. He was trying to figure out how that was possible.
Angelia: Well, this is amazing.
Bob: Yeah, that was a long time ago. And then, three-dimensional moving holograms…if you could create an illusion … I heard it was demonstrated …(indistinguishable)… one of the military… not military, but the military provided …(indistinguishable)… But, they had a man standing on the stage and they put a hologram of a parrot sitting on his shoulder. But, anyway, it’s much more complex now. And, there were other programs so we then discussed them and we were taken in to what’s called the clean room. CIA did their training films at Norton. As we sat there he said to us, Of course there was security all over the place. “What would you think if we told you there was an alien craft that landed at Holloman Air Force Base early in June or May of ’71 and our temporary duty photographers shot pictures of it?”
Angelia: What did you think?
Bob: Well, number one, my wife used to look at the tabloids, you know. I had an alien baby and all that. I’d say, Margaret, that’s my wife’s name, I’d say, please, don’t read that crap.
Angelia laughs.
Bob: Well, so here I am confronted with somebody telling me maybe therre is a reality to it and I really scratched my head. I was trying to think he must be serious. He said, “Well look, if you’re interested in that we’ll make a contact with you with the DOD Pentagon, but bury this underneath this other project.” So, off we went.
Angelia: Wow.
Bob: But we did go and visit all of these other projects.
Angelia: So you were invited to do something on this craft?
Bob: Yes, exactly, that was the carrot if you want to call it that. And obviously, there was a window of opportunity where they wanted this information out. I’m assuming this. So of we go to the Pentagon.
Angelia: And what year was this?
Bob: ’73 something like that. So off we go to the Pentagon and it was a long time ago, but it was the only time so far that that has happened.
Angelia: Okay, yes.
Bob: So we went there – we didn’t sign in. we were saylaid by security. They said, “We don’t like the idea that you’re getting into UFO stuff because it ties up the telephone lines to the Pentagon,” blah, blah, blah.
Angelia again laughts.
Bob: My partner had the sense to say, “Yeah, but we were invited.” (The reply was) “Oh, all right,” so off we went to our first meeting, which was a Col. Coleman who was a Pentagon spokesman. Standing in the hall at the Pentagon he said, “Listhen, you come across information that national security is infringed on (or whatever) you can be put in jail and fined.” I though, gosh, what a way to start.
Angelia: Well weren’t you thinking, why am I here?
Bob: Yes, so we went inside his office. He said, “Well, I’ve got to tell you when I was flying a B-25 over Alabama with a seven-man crew I pursued one. We saw it kicking up a vortex of dust over a plowed field.” A B-25 is not very fast so he put it in full throttle. The thing went up behind a tree and he lost it. Now, here’s the man that is supposed to interface with the press saying that… giving the reports on Project Blue Book. So anyway, nex he said, “Oh, I’ll tell you somebody who could be helpful. I’m going to call George.” I thought, okay. The phone call is made; the meeting is set up to meet Col. George R. Weinbrenner, Commander of Foreign Technology, which is the spy center of the Air Force. So, dutifully, I went over there, down a hallway with all of these cameras. It’s a nerve center.
Angelia: It’s a big deal.
Bob: Yeah, it really was a big deal. Most people way Foreign Technology!? Because that’s where all the real important stuff is passed through. I went up to George Weinbrenner’s desk. I said, “Colonel, uh, what about the landing at Holloman Air Force Base of an alien craft? And, you know, what I expected him to say was wht the hell are you talking about. But, you know – he didn’t! He said, “Well, you know, the Soviets know everything about us. They have copies of what we print. They know about all our society, our planes, our (whatnot… Bob’s thought) We have a hard time. We had the, (Bob interjects here, I guess it was the Israelis) captured one of the Russian MiGs.”
Angelia: And, he just spoke freely?
Bob: Yeah, quite freely. And then I thought, well especially after I asked the question, and he answers with MiGs and things. He drew a picture of a MiG on a balckboard. I was like, oh, okay.
Angelia: And you’re still thinking about Margret… I’ve got to tell Margret this.
Bob laughs: Or, did he hear my question? The next thing he said was, “Well you know, what we’re working on now is the Soviets have developed, uh, it’s called weather alteration, which is when their troops are moving through an area they can create a rain storm,” he said, “but we’ve got the best scientists working on counter strategies.” I thought, gosh, okay. So he said, “First a scientist like this,” and he put a book in my lap, which said to Col. Weinbrenner signed by Dr. Allan Hynek (scientific adviser to USAF on UFOs) and the book was all about UFOs.
Angelia: Oh, my.
Bob: So, I suppose if somebody was listening they wouldn’t know what just happened. So he said, “You know, I had some Mexican,” that what he said. He could have said Hispanic but (he said) “some Mexican officer working for me and he told all kinds of stories about the fact that we had three little frozen bodies down in the basement.” I though, okay. Next thing I get a phone call and Hector Quintanilla who is head of Project Blue Book… I thought what the ??? He said Geprge Weinbrenner asked if I could work with you and help you. The next thing another Col. Came in, Bob Friend who… he was before Quintanilla. Little by little this team came together… (indistinguishable)… Jacques Vallee. And, carte blanche to do whatever we wanted back them.
Angelia: Now, you found them very helpful. They were sending you help and…
Bob: Oh absolutely, and as a matter of fact I asked Col. Coleman one time… recently… years and years passed and I asked him, “Why did you just tell me? Why were you so open?” He said, “The secretary of the Air Force ordered it to be that way.”
Angelia: Wow! And it’s so different now or it appears to be different.
Bob: So, not only that it must have been the Secretary of Defense because the Navy cooperated with us, the Army, and the Navy were working with dophins. We had complete help from everybody. So we proceeded with the project and I said, “Look, I don’t know that much about UFOs,” and I really didn’t. I said, “Now, you’ve had about 12,000 cases, let’s concentrate on about five of them that you couln’t resolve.” So, that’s the ones we chose.
Angelia: Five they were not able to identify.
Bob: Yes, there were more of them, but I thought well… we’ll concenterate on the ones that were most dramatic.
Angelia: And so, you did a documentary on just these five.
Bob: Yeah, five or maybe six of them, with the things that we looked into. First of all, I had Bill Coleman walk through the E-ring at the Pentagon telling about their involvement with the military, how they took it seriously and they made it top secret, and then he said, “You know maybe it shouldn’t be,” and then …(indistinguishable)… General Hoyt Vandenberg said, “Well there’s not enough evidence,” and I was following them around in the E-ring. You could see five stars – five star generals’ offices – and a military leader walked through the scene.
Angelia: This is just an amazing story.
Bob: Well, the reason I’m telling you this is I come to an event like this and everybody is saying, they’re hiding things, they’re not telling, they’ve got secrets, and I don’t know what to say to them. I did not find that so. So, let me think. Then we took some of the cases that were more traditional and then a couple of them such as a helicopter pilot and his team – Army – uh, was flying somewhere in the south and they described… he’s being interviewed by Col. Friend, one of the heads of Project Blue Book. They said they were flying along on an easterly direction, I forget what they call the direction in the military, but anyway they said they saw an object approaching from off on their right side. And, it kept coming faster and faster and they said the whole crew, in fact each one of the crew members said, “Yeah we thought it was going to hit us. It was coming straight at us so everybody was preparing for an impact.” He said, “I’ve never been in an impact in the air,” so he described it as a cigar-shape. He said you could see stars reflecting off the metal surface, and it hid whatever was behind… meaning, you know, you couldn’t see through it. As it came closer, finally it came over them and he said a pyramid shaped green beam came and turned all of the night flying lights, read, which is night flying to freen which is this pyramid green thing. So Sol. Coyne he was a Major at the time, said he put the helicopter into a descent and it should be going down at a thousnad and so many feet per second.
Angelia: They were ready to get out of there.
Bob: Totally. Now, he looks at the altimeter and they’re being pulled up over thirteen hundred feet per minute. He said they started around twelve hundred feet and said they topped out at almost four thousand feet, and the thing went off and then when he came down, Bob Friend. Col. Friend, interviewed him. So, Friend knew the kind of questions to ask and Coyne and his crew said, “Look, we’ve got all of these years and all I can do is… I’m reporting as it happened without trying to speculate as to what happened. And we don’t know what it was, just reporting what happened.”
Angelia: If this is the military telling you this then you’re fairly certain it wasn’t something experimental?
Bob: No, exactly. There were other cases where something landed in Socorro, which is an old story. A sheriff saw the thing. He was driving around and he saw the thing off in the distance and thought it was an overturned car so he called in, and said, “I’m going to be out of the car checking, I think, an overturned car.” He looked down on this little craft and said, “My God, it was an ‘A’-shaped object with…” he noticed a symbol on the side and he said as soon as he saw it, he saw a pair of legs and what he referred to as overalls. I mean he was really… and he said they were hanging from a clothesline.
Angelia laughing.
Bob: I’m like… gosh, what a description… Anyway, he said as soon as they saw him the craft let out a roar and lifted up about 20 feet and became silent and went off. The Air Force went down and looked. They took propellant residue tests to test for propellant residue, the weight of the beings, and the size of the craft. They took it very seriously, and they really did a lot of analysis. They said it was an unknown. They thought maybe it was a test module for NASA all the way up the Whitehouse command post and they…
Angelia: And, they couldn’t find out anything?
Bob: No, nothing. They even went to a congressional hearing on other landings and one that was interesting was where there was a psychological uhhh, a naval commander, I think it was a naval admiral, sent two of his naval commanders u[ to meet with a woman named Mrs. Francis Swan and they had heard she was doing contacts with some alien.
Angelia: This is incredible.
Bob: So, they asked her question… technical questions, and the way they put it was… she answered these technical questions with seeming telepathic help from this alien, or whatever it was.
Angelia: So, it was something she really didn’t have a knowledge base in but she was coming up with the right answers.
Bob: No (she didn’t), exactly. So then she said that they are willing to speak through you… one of those naval commanders. He asked, “What do I do? I mean… I don’t understand.” She said, “Just relax and ask to be in contact with them.” All of a sudden he began making a contact. That information went back to the CIA, which were the only ones involved…the Air Force guys and they had a, well, they brought him down to a …the building is still in Washington, D.C., it was the CIA building but the bottom floors were parking so nobody knew they were up there at the top.
Angelia: So he began…
Bob: So here these CIA guys and the Air Force guys are asking him questions. The Navy guy… he was the one they were asking the questions and they asked him, “Are they or do they favor any nation?” “No.” “Do they favor any particular religion?” “No.” I mean I thought they were asking kind of dumb questions. “Is there going to be a third world war?” “No.” “Can we see a craft?” He said, “Yes, Go to the window and you will have you proof.” Now, what they all did is they went to a particular window that was over in the corner of the building. You could see the Whitehouse way back in the background and they saw it. They saw this craft and they said they called for a radar confirmation and it came back that that quadrant of the sky was blanked out on radar at that time.
Angelia: I would have liked to have been there for that.
Bob: Me, too. Now listen, I was told by Col. Friend, who was… well, it was his job to run this system. There was a man named Lundahl, a CIA guy, which I asked would he be in the thing, he said, “Look, I’m still on duty, the guys are still on duty. It’s embarrassing, I won’t.”
Angelia: He was uncomfortable.
Bob: Very uncomfortable, exactly. So, Bob Friend took him into another room and said, “Would you answer a few questions for me?” He said, “Yes,” and his Adam’s apple begins bouncing up and down.
Angelia: So he’s nervous.
Bob: That was the guy doing the communicating (channeling).
Angelia: Oh, I see.
Bob: I can’t imagine what it looked like but so he said, “Can you give us the names of any of these beings?” And he said, “One is Crill.” He wrote C-R-L-L. Alamar, I believe (another name) and then he said, “AFFA,” which is reportedly from the planet Uranus so I means they’re just reporting this stuff like you know asking, where did you go last week?
Angelia: Could he have been making it up as he went along?
Bob: Anything is possible, but the fact that you back up and said that he told them to go look out the window because…
Angelia: Oh yeah, the window thing, yeah, that’s pretty important. There it is. You’re given the instruction go to the window, and there it is.
Bob: Now, the reason I put that in the special is I wanted people to see… Look, these guys are screwing around with things that if they all thought it was BS, they would not be reporting this. The same with the helicopter people. They were all going, oh, there’s nothing to it. Then we reached the point where I thought we were going to show the landing at Holloman Air Force Base and I thought it would be on film. And, Coleman said, “Look, we’ve decided that it’s too sensitive, that Watergate has just happened,” blah, blah, blah. So we had to end up doing it in animation. But, I had all the instructions of where this craft — back to the craft — where it landed, who came out, where did they meet, where was the craft stored for a few days. (Military fim footage of the actual landing was not forthcoming as Emenegger and his partner had been told it would be.)
Angelia: Who did come out?
Bob: Well, by the drawing… remember I…we were limited by what the head of security described the film to us.
Angelia: Okay.
Bob: It looked like a UFO shape, you know three pods, the door slid open and two or three men, short by our standards and, I guess they were men, with a head dress of some sort, stepped forward and they seemed to communicate, which gave the idea that maybe this was prearranged. …(indistinguishable)… They asked them questions. Now, I’m only going by what they told me.
Angelia: Right.
Bob: They asked the visitors, “Do you recognize these radio signals? Are they yours?” and they answered back, “They’re not ours. We don’t know whose they are.” then they went into some inner office. The craft, tey told me which building they put it in, which is no longer there. Somebody from Wright Patterson was like an attendant to them—a CIA guy named Alfonso Lorenzo, wherever you are Alfonso.
Angelia: Call us.
Bob: Yeah, call us.
Angelia: That’s just an amazing story you were told. What were you thinking? I mean, were you just kind of taken aback by the whole thing?
Bob: I think so.
Angelia: Were you like… I’m sorry that I made fun of my wife?
Bob laughing: I do that, no… I wanted to tell you that… Are we late for our thing? (Bob referring to a wrap up meeting in Steven Bassett’s suite. And Angelia nods to indicate a yes answer.)
Bob: Okay, we’ll finish it up. The only change they had in our scr1pt with Rod Sterling was, when he said, “Now, we go to the future. This is an event that may happen in the future or perhaps it has already happened.” And then we go to Holloman with all the sirens running and the truck running out to the field.
Angelia: And, it was animated, that part?
Bob: That was live action except when the craft came down. But they did send up two jets of some sort, I don’t know what they were, to escort this thing down so everybody cooperated. There were guys down at the end of the field going, “Okay, can we go now?” “Yeah, go.” They roar past us. That was real to escort this thing down. Well, this was in a different time, so they weren’t going anywhere. They were just doing it for us.
Angelia: Right.
Bob: The craft was taken to a hangar at the end of Mars Avenue, as I was told, but I went to the air base. I went to the air base to ask questions of the radar people and one radar guy. I said, “It must’ve really been something when that thing came down.” He said, “Yeah, it sure was, you mean the flying bathtub?”
Angelia: Flying bathtub?
Bob: I said, yeah, it was. I said, “What did you think?” He said, “We don’t talk about it.” He said, “You ought too talk to the photographic team; maybe they can tell you more.”
Angelia: Did they have pictures?
Bob: Those guys and I have to admit it. But, then I went down to Mars Avenue where the craft was taken and there was a guy in one of those blue… you know, an officer drove us down there and said, “Well, let’s look and see. There’s the building that you were asking for.” So it was sort of hard to get in so he had a crow bar so we crow barred open this little hangar, you know, he’s as curious as I am, I guess, and there wasn’t anything in it but a couple of jet engines. You know, what do I expect? Like a few years later, it’s not there anymore. So we went back and I had Lion Festinger send out the scenario of the landing at Holloman AFB to five leading social psychologists. How would the public react? Most of them said, “Well, I think they’re all ready to believe that UFOs are real or if there was a danger of families being pulled apart then that would be a problem,” and then one of them said that famous line, what we really need is an attack or an invasion from outer space so that we can join together as one species and drive the enemy away and, therfore, to live in peace therafter. Which is, you know, good luck.
Angelia: Saying that we would unite the world that way.
Bob: Yes, but he did add… what was that he added? Anyway, that was said, and then several years later that’s exactly what Reagan was saying, “Yeah, we need to have an invasion,” etc. And, everybody thinks that maybe Reagan made that up. Well, I was called back again after several years for the Reagan administration and went through the same thing. You know (Reagan’s staff said) we’d like to get some more information, but it didn’t come to pass. You know the film interestingly enough was nominated for a Golden Globe award.
Angelia: What was the name of it?
Bob: It was called, “UFOs: Past, Present and Future.” And it was made an update later with Jacques Vallee, which was longer, and called “UFOs: It has Begun,” but it wasn’t the same. There were animal mutilations and people being abducted and I just didn’t… that wasn’t pure. This original one was very pure.
Angelia: Can people still see that film?
Bob: Well if they… Of I could cut out the crap that was in the update then the original was all in there.
Angelia: Okay, I see. Well, do you have a copy of the original?
Bob: I have something I made, a forty-five minute DVD with the guts of it, and I think I gave it to these people. I could get a copy of that, and you can watch it. I think I have a copy of it upstairs.
Angelia: Well, it would be interesting just to see, if someho, you could mass produce it again and get it out to people.
Bob: Well somebody has produced it and stuck it with another thin and I just hate the idea that it was sorto of a cheese ball… it’s a DVD, but it just doesn’t feel the same.
Angelia: Right. Just keep it original.
Bob: Yes, what did I want to tell you? Oh yes, I know what it was. Here I come to a conference like this, and I hear people sitting around and saying the government is hiding something… you know, they’rre never going to come out with disclosure.
Angelia: Conspiracy, conspiracy, consiracy.
Bob: And so, even when I tell them about this, and those who have seen it, it’s like, “Oh no, well it’s a conspiracy.”
Angelia: It’s still…(others believe) there is still some sort of cover up.
Bob: How open can the guys be?
Angelia: But, then it seemed like you got so much cooperation and they were even sending people to help you and people were ordered to talk to you.
Bob: Yes, correct.
Angelia: And now, it just seems like the coin has flipped completely.
Bob: They’re not… I doubt if they’re going to talk to anybody for a long time. They orignally talked to Disney several years before us, but it didn’t culminate. So I guess this was the moment they decided to cooperate and I don’t understand how these UFO people don’t look at that thing and say, my God, they’re so open — they admit there are these crafts — they admit there are beings. So what’s the deal?
Angelia: So Bob, are you convinced that we have an ET presence?
Bob: Strange enough… with everything I know… I still. It’s very possible, but I don’t think we’re in cooperation…kind of like we have deals with the aliens to work with them. That doesn’t seem like…those people or whoever they were seem more terrestrial.
Angelia: Than extraterrestrial? Okay.
Bob: Yes, but I know that we see things flying around. People describe them.
Angelia: But, there’s so many sightings all over the world.
Bob: Yes, and it’s getting greater and greater, so I would say this may be a trial fun with someone that’s a little closer, and then the ones that are in a higher dimension are kind of following suit. I don’t know… I can’t answer it. I was, you know, I didn’t know a thing about UFOs, and then within six months… from zero… you know, I’m still overwhelmed. Probably, if I knew what I know now, I’d ask a lot more questions.
Angelia: Do you follow the stories that are out there and keep up at all?
Bob: Not especially, no, only I sort of read little accounts, and I realize well, that’s been going on for a long time.
Angelia: Right, I understand.
Bob: I’m thinking…that doesn’t seem new to me. Until somebody comes up with something that is quite new and they can prove it… that’s why I was saying to all these people, you know we need a truth tester for the stuff that people are talking about so we can determine what’s true and what’s just bull.
Angelia laughs.
Bob: I think there’s a lot of just wading through a lot of bull. I don’t want to point any fingers at anybody because already I’m sure they’d get pissed.
Angelia: Well you know, you do have a lot of people at these conferences I suppose, you know, because they know you are a speaker…
Bob: I don’t think so.
Angelia: And they come up to you and want to tell their story. They’re just…
Bob: Well, see when Bassett put me in, he didn’t even know who I was or what I’d done. I just got slipped in on Friday afternoon and I wanted to show the whole film, then allow people to ask questions, but they just…
Angelia: Right…
Bob: I put in eleven minutes of it.
Angelia: Bob, you know the title of my presentation was “The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly of UFO Reporting” and you are definitely the good. I’ve made so many new friends, and I just have a feeling that you and I will stay in contact for a long time.
Bob: Of course, especially because you remind me of Terry, my old buddy.
Angelia laughs.
Bob: I just think oh, it’s Terry, in another incarnation.
Angelia laughing: So, I don’t know about you, but I’m probably going to go home and sleep for about three days, now.
Bob: I did some interview that people asked me to do, and it was like all of a sudden in the middle of one I was sort of tired, and then I’d go well then… am I telling them the story right? I think once you’ve done it you just get burned out by all of it.
Angelia: Right, I know what you mean. Okay, that was Robert Emenegger, and we are just finishing up the 2008 X Conference, and we will be going to the press conference in the morning. Are you going, Bob?
Bob: Well, I don’t necessarily want to because there is not enough…well I don’t think so, but I’m going to go to the airport. I may go over there and watch and then go on to the airport.
Angelia: Oh okay. Well, I will be there, and I really enjoyed talking with you, and give me a call.
Bob: AngeLIA, it was a pleasure and y our story was so straight and honest and there was one other person, Marcel, who didn’t elaborate on anything, just told it as it is, and that’s the way these things should be. But, you know a lot of people start telling a story and people listening go…ooh… if they’ll buy that, what if I told them this.
Angelia laughs: Okay, thank you very much.
Eisenhower and His Alien Contacts : Part 1 |
Written by Grant Cameron |
Wednesday, 21 November 2012 03:36 |
UFO historians often consider Eisenhower to be the last American President who actually had complete control over the UFO situation. Whether true or not, as the story goes, once Eisenhower left office and Kennedy entered the White House control of the UFO subject began to shift over to non-government entities and military contractors. What is more certain is that Eisenhower’s rank as a five-star General made him accustomed to high level- secrets. This was clearly revealed in 1952 when Truman gave the newly elected Eisenhower the “comprehensive National Intelligence Digest prepared by the CIA” which contained, "the most important national intelligence on a worldwide basis,” Eisenhower would write in his memories a decade later that the digest "added little to my knowledge."[i] What may go down as the most contentious part of the Eisenhower story is that Eisenhower had many rumored encounters with UFOs and aliens. Eisenhower could thus be labeled the contactee president. The fact that there is a story about Eisenhower interacting UFOs or an alien does not make the story true. Most of the Eisenhower contact stories seem a little farfetched and may well be creations of the minds that first told them. This however does not change the fact that Eisenhower trumps all other presidents in such possibly made up stories. Of the thirteen Presidents in power since UFOs first made their modern invasion, there are only eleven stories of Presidents actually having direct encounters with visiting aliens. Of these eleven stories, five involve Eisenhower. Furthermore, most of the stories involving other Presidents have no real evidence supporting them, whereas many of the Eisenhower stories have multiple witnesses indicating at least a small chance that the story may actually have happened. In addition to direct presidential alien contacts there are five stories of presidents having UFO sightings, Eisenhower is involved in one of these as well. What is most important to this discussion is that three of the five alien encounters and one sighting by Eisenhower have a related possible nuclear connection. The first of these extraterrestrial tales involved a sighting that Eisenhower was rumored to have been involved with just prior to becoming president. The Eisenhower UFO Sighting The story of Eisenhower’s UFO sighting appeared in the New York Post on June 18, 1997. It supposedly took place on the USS Roosevelt which was participating in a NATO exercise know as Operation Mainbrace. This NATO exercise involved 80,000 men, 200 ships, and 1,000 planes. It was the largest NATO exercise held up to that time. Beside the Eisenhower story, there are many UFO sightings and photos have been documented by UFO researchers and TV documentaries that occurred during this NATO exercise, or involving the USS Roosevelt.[ii] The Eisenhower encounter was recorded as follows, The USS FDR, Sixth fleet flagship, 1952, a crew member writes: "We were north and east of England with the NATO fleet in the North Atlantic. About 1:30 a.m., through the stormy rain and lightening, this big blue-white light appeared right off starboard bow. It came down to 100 feet of the water and just hung there as we cruised by it." "This UFO was easy to see when the lightning flashed. It then rose straight and left. Four of us saw it. Here's the kicker! General Ike, who'd flown over by chopper with the Admiral, had just come out on the signal bridge wearing PJ's and robe, looking for coffee." "We were sitting and making small talk when the bright light came on. We all watched it ten minutes, then just stood there staring at each other. After a while, Gen. Eisenhower said, he better go 'check this out' and left. He also told us to 'forget about it for now.'" "Next day and ever after, nothing was ever said about it. I don't know what it was or why it was hushed, but I saw it."[iii] What is significant about this rumored Eisenhower sighting is the less known nuclear connection. As the American nuclear stock piles grew in the late 1940s, a decision was made by military strategists to spread out the nuclear weapons. This would make it harder for the Soviets to target and track. It would also allow for forward basing of weapons so they could be moved quickly to battle fronts far from American shores. The decision was made to place nuclear weapons in other countries such as Great Britain and Germany. In addition bombs were flown in 24/7 operations on planes and carried on aircraft carriers. The Eisenhower UFO sighting occurred on the USS Roosevelt. Just as Roswell was the first nuclear air force base to handle nuclear weapons, the USS Roosevelt was the first aircraft carrier to be armed in with nuclear weapons. This arming of the Roosevelt took place in 1950. Therefore, when the Eisenhower sighting occurred in 1952, the carrier was carrying nuclear weapons. Eisenhower Alien Encounter Story #1 – No Date One of the many tales of Eisenhower interacting with aliens was told on May 7, 2010, when a former State Representative from New Hampshire and State Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs committee member, Henry W. McElroy Jr., went public with the story of an encounter between Eisenhower and aliens. McElroy did not provide a date for the Eisenhower alien encounter. In his public statement McElroy claimed to have been shown a document during his tenure referring to knowledge of a "benevolent" extraterrestrial visitation within the US and the possibility of setting up a meeting with President Eisenhower. In a video statement posted to the internet McElroy stated, The document I saw was an official brief to President Eisenhower. To the best of my memory this brief was pervaded with a sense of hope, and it informed President Eisenhower of the continued presence of extraterrestrial beings here in the United States of America. The brief seemed to indicate that a meeting between the President and some of these visitors could be arranged as appropriate if desired. The tone of the brief indicated to me that there was no need for concern, since these visitors were in no way, causing any harm, or had any intentions, whatsoever, of causing any disruption then, or in the future. While I can’t verify the times or places or that any meeting or meetings occurred directly between Eisenhower and these visitors—-because of his optimism in his farewell address in 1961, I personally believe that Eisenhower did, indeed, meet with these extraterrestrial, off world astronauts.[iv] McElroy’s story would become one of many such encounter tales told about Eisenhower.
Eisenhower Alien Encounter Story #2 -1953 McElroy was not the only person to say that he reviewed a document that described Eisenhower meeting with aliens. In October 2012 Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today (VT), went public with another Eisenhower encounter story. According to Duff, 40% of the people who work at VT are professional intelligence officers. VT also has the former heads of four national intelligence agencies. Duff’s information came from a document that he claimed to have seen in 1981 or 1982. The document, according to Duff, was a document from the Department of Naval Intelligence (a department who many researchers believe has been the key player in the UFO cover-up from day one). The document he claimed to have read was dated August 1977 shortly after President Jimmy Carter took office. During an October 16 interview with Coast to Coast AM host George Noory Duff made the following fascinating statement: "In 1982 I was put on the readers group for Majestic Twelve..., I received an original copy, slightly redacted.. done off a typewriter.. dated August 23rd 1977 from the Office of Naval Intelligence. That... ummm... about 12 pages long... I had copy number 5. Done on just plain flimsys, from the... you know that manual Remington typewriter years? ... Well, I read it once... and I was working for a Government agency at the time and had a very high security clearance. It took me 18 months to be cleared for the reading group. I read the documents once and... ahhh... put them back in the envelope... twisted the string around.. (laughs) Returned to sender. Sent them back and found that I could never live knowing what was on those. And then... Years later, lo and behold, almost everything that was in those documents... was later on the plot of the television show X-Files. ... I have been told that Chris Carter was put on the reading group of Majestic Twelve. " Duff claimed that part of this MJ-12 document involved information stating that in 1953 President Eisenhower had made a deal with hostile group of aliens, "The document covered the period from 1947 to 1977 when they were produced. They indicated that over this period we had two distinct treaties. There have been more since, I have been told. One [treaty] in 1947, initially with President Truman. One in 1953, with President Eisenhower… The 1953 treaty with President Eisenhower was an agreement, a coercive agreement against the USA on behalf of a hostile alien power that wished to be able to kidnap a number of citizens from the United States, which means of course that they had agreements with other nations as well." "The numbers were unusually high. (The number mentioned later is 230,000) These were not people that were going to be detained, and probed, and returned. These were people that were going to be detained and butchered. They were very clear about that!" (Empahsis mine.) Probably because Duff’s claimed aliens were butchering people his story received almost no support by anyone in the UFO research community. His claim that there were treaties with other countries, however, is interesting in light of a letter written by the head of the Canadian flying saucer investigation Wilbert Smith. In a letter dated February 23, 1959 Smith stated, “For your information EVERY nation of this planet has been officially informed of the existence of the space craft and their occupants from elsewhere, and as nations they must accept responsibility for any lack of action or for any official position which they may take.” (empahsis mine)[v] The idea of many nations negotiating with the aliens is also interesting in light of a statement made by American journalist Dorothy Killgallen in February 1954 shortly after Duff claimed Eisenhower had met with the aliens. Killgallen hinted that world leaders were involved and that they were planning to gather to discuss the flying saucer situation. "Flying saucers are regarded as of such vital importance that they will be the subject of a special hush-hush meeting of the world military heads next summer." Eisenhower Alien Encounter Story #3 -1954 The most prominent story that Eisenhower may have met with the aliens is the 1954 Muroc story. It remains one of the most discussed stories related to the U.S. Presidents and UFOs. The short version of the story states that there was a meeting with live aliens and Eisenhower that took place at Edwards Air Force Base (then known as Muroc field) while the President and his wife were 110 miles away on a winter holiday at Palms Springs, California in February 1954. The official records of the President’s trip to Palm Springs are held at the Eisenhower Library in Abilene Kansas, and have been reviewed by various researchers.[vi] "We've had so many requests on that subject,” Eisenhower archivist Jim Leyerzapf stated, “that we have a person who specializes in this." Most researchers agreed that the trip to California appears to have come up rather suddenly, and that Ike had just returned from a quail shooting vacation in Georgia less than a week before leaving for Palm Springs. All researchers also agreed on the basic story, that being that on the evening of February 20, 1954, during a weeklong trip to Palm Springs, Eisenhower disappeared from where he was staying at the Smoke Tree Ranch compound, owned by his business friend Paul Helms. The records do not show how this disappearance became apparent to the press corps but they did figure out the president was gone. In fact, the Associated Press had already gone on the wire with the story that the President had suffered a heart attack and was dead.[vii] Minutes later they withdrew the story. The President’s Press Secretary James Haggerty, who was at a barbeque on the other side of town, was hurried back to meet with and calm down the press. Haggerty told the press that the President had damaged a tooth while eating fried chicken at dinner and had gone to the dentist to have the problem fixed. The White House Press core accepted the explanation and the whole story disappeared when Eisenhower appeared the next morning publically at the local Community Church, despite the fact he didn’t like to go to church.[viii] Although the press dropped their interest in the disappearance, the UFO community never dropped the story and it has become a key part of UFO lore. Many researchers have filed reports on the rumored encounter. The first came only days after the event stating that Eisenhower had been spirited off to meet with a group of aliens at Muroc.[ix] In this account the President turned down the alien’s diplomatic offer for technology in exchange for ending the nuclear weapons program, and that shortly thereafter Eisenhower ordered absolute secrecy about anything having to do with UFOs. The story faded from this history books until the 1980s when research was presented supporting the idea that Eisenhower may actually have gone to Muroc arose. This happened when it was discovered that the story about the President breaking a tooth may have been a cover story given to the press to cover what had really occurred. In preparing his book the “Roswell Incident” crash researcher Bill Moore came across a source in the Eisenhower administration who lived in Arizona and who was admitting to friends that Eisenhower had actually gone to Muroc.[x] In 1989 Moore also tracked down and did an interview with the widow of Dr. Francis A. Purcell who was named as the dentist who repaired Eisenhower’s tooth. The widow, according to Moore, “was curiously unable to recall any specifics relating to her husband's alleged involvement in the affair--not even the time of day it had occurred. Yet her memory appeared flawless when asked to relate details of her and her husband's attendance (by presidential invitation) at a steak fry the following evening, where her husband was introduced as "the dentist who had treated the president".[xi] Other records at the Eisenhower Library also hint that the broken tooth tale was probably a cover story used by the press secretary to cover for the real story. The Eisenhower files show no thank you letter to the dentist despite the records showing thank –you letters to people who brought flowers, people who met the plane, and many other smaller things. The only thing that appeared in the appointment calendar (a record of the President’s movements written after the fact, and usually describing the President’s actions down to the minute) stating “sometime between 8:00 and 10:00pm, the President broke cap off a front tooth and went to a dentist in Palm Springs to have it fixed.” That same day the President had left his office that compound at 8:55, had arrived at the golf course at 9:10, and started golfing at 9:40. When it came to the dental accident later in the day they couldn’t get a time closer than a two hour window. Those who came forward to claim Ike was at Muroc and met with aliens included Gerald Light, the head of a Southern California metaphysical organization. In May 1954 he wrote a letter to Meade Layne, the then director of Borderland Sciences Research Associates. In the letter Light actually claimed to have been at Edwards where he saw Ike, the saucers and the aliens. Light wrote, “I have just returned from Muroc [Edwards Air Force Base]. The report is true -- devastatingly true! I made the journey in company with Franklin Allen of the Hearst papers and Edwin Nourse of Brookings Institute (Truman's erstwhile financial advisor) and Bishop MacIntyre of L.A. (confidential names for the present, please).[xii] When we were allowed to enter the restricted section (after about six hours in which we were checked on every possible item, event, incident and aspect of our personal and public lives), I had the distinct feeling that the world had come to an end with fantastic realism. For I have never seen so many human beings in a state of complete collapse and confusion, as they realized that their own world had indeed ended with such finality as to beggar description.” The reality of the ‘other plane’ aeroforms is now and forever removed from the realms of speculation and made a rather painful part of the consciousness of every responsible scientific and political group. During my two days' visit I saw five separate and distinct types of aircraft being studied and handled by our Air Force officials -- with the assistance and permission of the Etherians! I have no words to express my reactions. It has finally happened. It is now a matter of history. President Eisenhower, as you may already know, was spirited over to Muroc one night during his visit to Palm Springs recently. And it is my conviction that he will ignore the terrific conflict between the various 'authorities' and go directly to the people via radio and television - if the impasse continues much longer. From what I could gather, an official statement to the country is being prepared for delivery about the middle of May.[xiii] Another witness to this Eisenhower contact story comes from the son of a former Navy Commander who claimed that his father had been present at the Eisenhower event. According to Charles L. Suggs, a retired Sgt from the US Marine Corps, his father Charles L. Suggs, (1909-1987) was a former Commander with the US Navy who attended the event. In a 1991 interview with a prominent UFO Suggs stated that according to the father he, “Accompanied President Ike along with others on Feb. 20th. They met and spoke with 2 white-haired Nordics that had pale blue eyes and colorless lips. The spokesman stood a number of feet away from Ike and would not let him approach any closer.” (Emphasis mine.) “A second nordic stood on the extended ramp of a bi-convex saucer that stood on tripod landing gear on the landing strip. According to Charlie, there were B-58 Hustlers on the field even though the first one did not fly officially till 1956. These visitors said they came from another solar system.” “They posed detailed questions about our nuclear testing.”[xiv] Another witness Desmond Leslie, a former Royal Air Force pilot and co-author of an early book on UFOs, learned from a USAF officer “that a disc, estimated to be 100 feet in diameter, had landed on the runway…men returning from leave were suddenly not allowed back on the base. The disc was allegedly housed under guard in Hanger 27, and Eisenhower was taken to see it.”[xv] Then there was the testimony of Gabriel Green, a UFO researcher who actually ran for President in 1960. He also claimed to have supporting testimony for the Eisenhower alien encounter. Green claimed to have talked to a military officer who claimed to have witnessed the arrival of the craft at the base. “At the time I was engaged in firing practice, under the command of a General,” the officer told Green. “We were shooting at a number of targets when suddenly five UFOs came flying overhead. The General ordered all the batteries to fire at the craft. We did so, but our fire had no effect on them. We stopped firing, and then we saw the UFOs land at one of the base’s big hangers.”[xvi] Author Brinsley Le Poer Trench, also had talked to another witness claiming knowledge of the event. His information came from a USAF test pilot who stated that “two of the crafts that landed at the base were cigar shaped and three were saucer shaped. An immediate security blanket was thrown on all of Muroc. The crafts were placed in a hanger, and men returning from leave were not allowed back on base.” The Colonel claimed that he was one of six people at the meeting and that the meeting had been requested by the aliens who “looked human-like, but not exactly.” The aliens stated that they wanted to start an “educational program” to make the population “aware of their presence.” Eisenhower, in reply, stated that he did not think the population was ready, to which the aliens stated they would continue to make isolated contacts with people. This upset Eisenhower greatly.[xvii] Although none of the research done by anyone can confirm the meeting of the aliens and the President, it was an interesting event if the meeting did take place and nuclear weapons were part of the discussion. As mentioned above the rumored discussion between Eisenhower and the aliens supposedly involved the stopping of nuclear testing by the American government. If true it happened only days before the Americans tested the biggest nuclear explosion that has ever been conducted by the American government. It was also a test that went very bad causing the greatest nuclear contamination event ever caused by a weapons test. The test was called Castle Bravo. It was part of a series of six Operation Castle atmospheric blasts testing thermonuclear weapons small enough to be carried and dropped by aircraft – as compared to the first thermonuclear bomb test in November 1952 which was 82 tons and which Oppenheimer comically stated could only be delivered by “oxcart or ship.” The test took place on February 28, 1954 at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. This was almost exactly a week after the reported Eisenhower alien meeting. It involved the first test of a dry fuel thermonuclear hydrogen bomb. Added to this test was a layered flask containing two chemicals tritium (heavy water) and lithium-6-deuteride. It was the “first real test of the ‘Teller-Ulam configuration’ intended to hold the bomb together for an extra hundred millionth of a second, and thus allowing fusion to take place within the tritium and lithium-6-deuteride.” [xviii] The test went totally out of control, being 250% more powerful than expected and resulting in a bomb 1,000 times the power of the bomb dropped in Hiroshima. The crew in charge of the detonation had to be rescued from a nearby island twenty miles away when radiation detectors told them something serious had gone wrong and their lives were now at risk. Like giant ghosts at Halloween they covered themselves with bed sheets, with holes cut out so they could see, to protect themselves from the radioactive fallout. They ran to a nearby landing pad where helicopters from the command ship rescued them. The test ended up causing the most significant radiological contamination accident ever caused by the United States government. ($250 million has been paid to try and clean up the mess) The original projection of the size of the test was 4-6 megatons, but the calculations were completely off. The test ended up being 15 megatons. A total of 5,000 sq miles were contaminated and two islands had to be evacuated because the hundreds of residents were sick from the radioactive fallout. Those evacuated have never returned. There was suddenly a change in the world’s view of nuclear tests, and there was an international call for the end of atmospheric nuclear testing. Did the aliens know this, and was the meeting a warning? We will probably never know. [i] CIA Briefings of Presidential Candidates [ii] Tim Good in his book “Need to Know: UFOs, the Military, and Intelligence” discusses many Mainbrace sightings starting on page 152. Dick Hall, who headed up the UFO group NICAP wrote an article looking at the main sightings . The History Channel did a segment dealing with UFO encounters involving the USS Roosevelt . Chester C. Grusinski who had his own UFO sighting on the Roosevelt in 1958 wrote a detailed article on UFO sightings and the Roosevelt at . [iii] New York Post June 18, 1997 [v] Letter – Wilbert Smith to Mr. Caswell, February 23, 1959 [vi] This list included Grant Cameron, Bill Moore, and Art Campbell. [viii] Eisenhower was born a Jehovah Witness but converted to the Presbyterian Church after being elected President. Despite the conversion, Eisenhower’s secretary stated that Ike hated church adding, “I don’t know how he ever got along with Billy Graham.” [ix] Despite the popularity of the story today in the 1960s researcher earl Neff stated that he had brought up the story with J. Allen Hynek, who was the scientist for Blue Book in 1954 when the incident took place, and Neff was told that Hynek had never heard of it. [x] Bill Moore and Charles Berlitz, “The Roswell Incident” 1980 page 138 [xi] . In addition there were not records in Purcell’s office that showed he had worked on the president, and there was never a thank you card issued by the White House to Dr. Purcell. [xii] According to research done by dr. Michael Salla Dr Edwin Nourse (1883-1974) was the first chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors to the President (1944-1953) and was President Truman’s chief economic advisor. Cardinal James Francis MacIntyre was the bishop and head of the Catholic Church in Los Angeles (1948-1970). The fourth member of the delegation of community leaders was Franklin Winthrop Allen, a former reporter with the Hearst Newspapers Group. Allen was 80 years old at the time, author of a book instructing reporters on how to deal with Congressional Committee Hearings. [xiii] [xiv] Shirley MacLaine, “Sage-ing While Age-ing”, Simon and Schuster, 2007, page 132 [xv] Valor Magazine, October 1954, and also confirmed by Leslie to UFO researcher and author Timothy Good. [xvi] Time Good, “Need to Know, UFOs,The Military, and Intelligence” Pegasus Books, 2007, page 208 [xvii] ibid [xviii] Richard Lee Miller, “Under the Cloud: The Decades of Nuclear testing” Two-Sixty Press, 1986, page 188 |
Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 04:13 |
Eisenhower and His Alien Contacts: Part 2 |
Written by Grant Cameron |
Sunday, 25 November 2012 19:05 |
The 1954 story of Ike meeting with aliens at Muroc AFB is only one of many high-level government alien encounter stories that were reported that year. It may be significant to note that1954 was the only year that such multiple contact stories were told.
1954 found similar documented alien encounters with high level officials in America, Canada and the United Kingdom. In April the Soviet Union indicated that they might also be in contact when they publicly announced that they had set up a “permanent interdepartmental commission for interplanetary communication”, headed up by leading Russian physicist and later Nobel Prize winner Pyotr Kapitsa.” [1] 1954 – Other High Level USA Extraterrestrial Contacts and the Mystery Satellites The Eisenhower - Muroc base encounter was not the only 1954 government alien encounter event being reported in the United States. There were also two other very significant cases involving the U.S. government and communication with aliens. These two stories were closely tied to two orbiting satellites that had been detected by the US government. The 1954 satellite story became a story like Roswell in that the government was able to successful kill after a couple shaky moments when it appeared at the time the story might unravel the entire UFO cover-up. The related government ET stories began only a few weeks after the rumored Eisenhower alien encounter. Francis Swan, a poorly educated housewife in Elliott Maine, suddenly started reporting to the Navy that she was getting messages from aliens who she said were orbiting the earth in two large spaceships. Right from the start the United States Navy, AFOSI, CIA, and the Canadian government took a serious interest in what Swan was saying. [2] (The interest would take on a very serious turn in 1959 when Swan taught one of two visiting CIA Intelligence officers to channel one of the commanders of one of the two spacecraft named AFFA. Robert Nisham, the officer in question, would race to the highly secret CIA – National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC), where the Director Arthur Lundahl, rumored to be the man who briefed the President on UFOs, would supervise a channeling where they got a flying saucer to fly by the window.) [3] The reason that officials may have taken Swan so seriously may have been that they had been tracking two large objects circling the Earth since the fall of 1953 just as Swan was claiming. In addition, reports had started to emerge about large objects were being spotted over Washington D.C. Then months later a Chicago radio station would try and communicate with the two satellites, and the entire CIA would go to great lengths to recover and then cover-up the audio tape that resulted from that experiment. Major Donald Keyhoe, the head of the biggest UFO research organization at the time called the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena ( NICAP), reported that huge objects were tracked by radar over Washington on May 5, 6, and 13. In June a giant UFO was again detected over Washington and Baltimore which caused officials to put the entire “east coast on full alert.” In May, Keyhoe announced in an interview with national broadcaster Frank Edwards that the one and possibly two artificial satellites had been detected by Air Force radar at White Sands in late 1953 and that scientists were working hard to figure out what the satellites were and where they came from.[4] Keyhoe also stated that Canadian scientists had put out an alert to all sky watchers to report any unusual objects. On August 23, things got worse for Eisenhower’s officials when the premiere aviation magazine in the country Aviation Week broke the same story in their August 23, 1954 issue. They basically confirmed Swan’s claim that there were two large objects orbiting the earth – one at 400 miles and one at 600 miles above the Earth. Pentagon scare over the observance of two previously unobserved satellites orbiting the earth has dissipated with the identification of the objects as natural, not artificial satellites. Dr. Lincoln LaPaz, expert on extraterrestrial bodies from the University of New Mexico, headed the identification project. One satellite is orbiting about 400 miles out, while the other track is 600 miles from the earth. Pentagon thought momentarily the Russians had beaten the U.S. to space explorations.[5] A couple days later, and then again in October 1954, the New York Times also printed an article about the two mysterious satellites. The story of the discovery was becoming public. Wilbert Smith, who was running the Canadian investigation into UFOs, was in contact with Swan and knew that the Pentagon had tracked two large objects backing up Swan’s claims. His correspondence showed him writing letters to researchers asking them to visually search for the objects in the sky and report back to him. Other media outlets also picked up the story of the satellites. One story published by the Washington Evening Star stated there were many more than two unknown objects in orbit around the Earth. They referenced the work of an electrical engineer John P. Bagby who disclosed his findings in a paper he delivered at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago. Bagby reported that there were “more than fifty objects, some of which glowed dull red occasionally.” He calculated that the objects were orbiting at “about 475 miles from the earth…perhaps moving in an elongated elliptical orbit,” and that he had made his first observation of the objects in February 1954.[6] (The same month as Eisenhower’s rumored meeting with the aliens at Edwards) The story of the satellites was printed by many publications but none caused more concern for Eisenhower’s White House than the story published on May 25, 1955 concerning the mystery objects. The article called “Debate on the Satellite” was written by Steward Alsop.[7] Steward and his brother were two of the most prominent political journalists of the 1950s writing for the New York Herald Tribune, the Saturday Evening Post, and Newsweek. At one point in their career their column was the most heavily syndicated in the United States. In his article Alsop wrote, “The possibility that the Soviets will launch a satellite is taken so seriously that a satellite detection project has been established at White Sands, New Mexico and at Mount Wilson, California. A tremendous flap was caused not long ago in the Pentagon when the project identified not one but two satellites. It turned out that both were natural satellites, never before detected.”[8] Even though the story about the Pentagon tracking program picking up orbiting objects had already been made public, the Alsop article sent Robert Cutler, National Security Advisor to Eisenhower, into a rage. Keyhoe reported that Cutler was so angry at the publication of the article that people at the NSC were afraid to be around him. (Cutler would later become a well know name in Ufology when researchers Bill Moore and Jamie Shandera would recover a memo Cutler had written in government archives. The memo[9] dated July 14, 1954, was written just weeks after the series of large objects were tracked over Washington D.C. In the memo Cutler identified an upcoming Special Studies Project briefing to be given by the NSA and MJ-12 which were the groups controlling the UFO subject) The Alsop article also described the rage that Cutler went into over the satellite story, but they kept his name out of the story till three weeks later. In that article they detailed the fallout that ensured from the satellite article in an article titled “Censorship Warning.” The initial article described how the “Administration was practicing a widespread censorship, which is no less effective in slanting the news because it is insidiously indirect.” The Alsop article reported that two close friends of Joseph Alsop had cancelled attending a party he had set up just after the satellite article appeared. Joseph was told bluntly that “their official positions (on the NSC) would be compromised if the party were to be held as planned.” The Alsops learned that the day after the satellite article appeared, that the White House NSC meeting broke into a “prolonged outburst of righteous indignation” led by Cutler. “Here once again,” wrote the Alsops, “the American people were being told facts of the utmost national importance – but facts which the NSC wanted to cover up.”[10] It became clear that Cutler had told the two NSC employees to cancel the party Joseph Alsop was attending. Speaking of Cutler the Alsops wrote, “he did not fear any improper disclosure (by the two employees, but he greatly feared the attack that would develop on his agency, if it became known that important subordinates of his dared to continue an old friendship with persons who dared to write about facts of highest national importance.” What ensued next was an attack on the Alsops by the White House. In a series of four articles on censorship the brothers wrote how they had become the target of a security investigation. They accused the Eisenhower White House of tapping their phones, bugging their houses, dropping hints of arrest and prosecution and ensuring that “official acquaintances and friends are subject to the most shameful harassment.” [11] So why was there such a negative reaction to the story of the two satellites and how could they be considered “facts of highest national importance?” As mentioned above many of the key agencies rumored to be involved in UFOs were carefully monitoring “the odd case of the lady from Maine who, while in a hypnotic trance, had allegedly communicated with a starship.” This according to Victor Marchetti, a former assistant to the Deputy Director of the CIA, was once of the rumored UFO stories that he heard had ciculated at the highest levels of the CIA.[12] The fact that Mrs. Swan was describing two large alien spacecraft orbiting the Earth at the same time the Air Force was tracking two newly discovered Earth satellites seemed to tie the two together as items of high national security importance. This would especially be true if the 1954 story of a communication between Eisenhower and visiting extraterrestrials was true. It would have meant there was communication along with the tracking of the satellite objects. What made the 1955 Alsop article about the mysterious 1954 satellites so important is that Mrs. Swan was not the only one claiming an ET contact experience with the satellites. In November 1954 there would be another claim about the two orbiting satellites that would drag the Air Force, the CIA, and its director into a messed up covert operation that almost cost them the UFO cover-up. It is a story that the CIA even spent part of a 1997 study paper on UFOs telling their distorted version of the story. Not surprisingly the 1997 CIA version conveniently leaves out the fact that the story centered on the two 1954 mysterious satellites. The CIA and the Orbiting Satellites On the evening of November 28, 1954, at radio station WGN in Chicago, the two orbiting satellites were the main topic of conversation. The host Jim Mills, and his guest for the day UFO researcher John Otto, got an idea to try and communicate with the two satellites. The plan of action was carefully planned and kept secret until the day of the plan. At exactly 11:15 during the radio show, Mills made an announcement that they were going to attempt to send a signal to the orbiting satellites, and get the aliens to send back a message for the radio listeners. Mills announced that in ten minutes - at 11:25 they would prompt the aliens to send their message with the words “Come in outer space.” Only 10 minutes warning were given to prevent someone in the audience from getting a truck with the proper radio equipment and broadcasting a signal. Once they had prompted the space men to talk they would shut off the microphones in the studio for fifteen seconds. They would, however, continue to broadcast their signal to the Chicago audience. The aliens were expected to tap into the WGN transmitter, and send their signal to the radio listeners. All the radio listeners were encouraged to run and get a tape recorder so they could record the signal if it did come through. When 11:25 arrived, Mills uttered the words “Come in outer space” and turned off the microphones. The two men had a radio in the studio so they too could hear the alien message. They sat and waited the appointed fifteen seconds but heard nothing coming over their own radio. The show ended and the two men left the studio. Mills and Otto were therefore away from the studio when the calls began to come in. There were four calls in total coming from people who claimed that they had heard the alien message. They were from varying places around the radio listening audience. Later CIA documents revealed that five Chicago ham radio operators also claimed to have taped these wired coded messages from outer space. (One listener in Wisconsin stated they too had made a tape recording of the message but it was never recovered.) One of the calls claiming a message came from two older sisters who lived north of the studio. The two sisters, Marie and Mildred Maier, phoned in and were upset about the joke the station had just played on the listeners. They stated that it was not funny to be playing jingle bells pretending it was a message from space. They were told that jingle bells had not been played, and arrangements were made to visit with the ladies. John Otto met with the women to get their story, and was able to make a copy of the tape they had made. The tape was then played a number of times over the air. It apparently did sound like jingle bells with some sort of strange telex noise in the background. In early 1955 the Maier sisters reported on their UFO experiences, along with the story of the message from space in the Journal of Space Flight. The Office of Scientific Investigation at the CIA saw the article and quickly contacted the Scientific Contact Branch to recover the tape. Two men from the Chicago Contact Division, George O. Forrest and Dewalt Walker, met with the sisters to recover the tape. Because the CIA was on the record claiming that they had no involvement in the UFO phenomena, beyond their short involvement with the 1953 Robertson Panel, they could not tell the Maier sisters they were from the CIA. What they did to overcome this problem was to dress up as Air Force officers to make the Maier sisters believe they would be dealing with the Air Force. They did this as the Air Force was publicly known to be working on UFOs. Their first attempt to recover the tape from the two women was unsuccessful. The women were impressed that the government was interested in their tape, but they would not part with it. In the second visit the two intelligence officers were able to get a copy of the tape. They forwarded a copy to CIA headquarters. Agent Forrest reported that he felt the case was not a hoax. “In all seriousness,” he wrote to CIA headquarters. “We don’t think that the sisters themselves are trying to fake anything.” He then wrote that he hoped the Chicago office would be informed if there should be an answer. The story rested until 1957, when NICAP researcher Leon Davidson, talked to the Maier sisters and decided that he would like to talk to the Air Force officer who had recovered the tape. Furthermore, he was very interested to see the analysis that the Air Force had done on the tape. Davidson wrote to the address that Dewalt had given the sisters, and received a reply from Walker stating that he had forwarded the tape to the proper authorities and had no further information. Not satisfied and now assuming Walker might actually be CIA he wrote to the Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles demanding the results of the tape analysis, and the real identity of Dewalt. Dulles did is what the CIA often does in such cases. Firstly, he reported Davidson to the FBI as a possible subversive, and secondly he created a new lie. The Air Force was contacted by the chief of the Chicago Contact Division and told to write a letter to Davidson falsely telling him that Dewalt was in fact an Air Force officer and that the tape had shown only identifiable Morse code from a known U.S. -licensed radio station. Next J. Arnold Shaw, assistant to Allen Dulles, wrote Davidson on May 8, 1957 with a carefully worded statement deflecting involvement away from the CIA to the Air Force. “A survey of the intelligence community has resulted in the determination that the tape in question was analyzed by another agency of the government,” wrote Shaw. “We believe you will receive another communication shortly from the Air force which will answer your query as to the nature of the recording.” Armed with this new information Davidson again contacted the CIA demanding to know the identity of the Morse code operator and the name of the agency that had done the analysis claimed by the Air Force. As the CIA had claimed the tape was not analyzed they were in a situation where they didn’t know what to do. CIA officers under cover contacted Davidson and promised to try and get him the name of the Morse operator and the identification of the transmitter if possible. This, of course, was just a stall tactic. When this did not pacify Davidson, the CIA again dressed up an intelligence officer in an Air Force uniform who met with Davidson in person in New York City, and this officer tried to talk Walker out of pursuing the case any longer. He told Davidson that the Air Force could not “disclose who was doing what.” Davidson understandably would not accept the argument and pressed on. The officer told Davidson he would see what he could do. With the situation going from bad to worse the CIA chose to “keep lying till you get it right.” When confronted with a letter from Congressman Joseph Karth related to Davidson’s claims that he was being lied to by the CIA, the CIA chose to lie outright to the Congressman. Karth was told that other than a brief involvement with the Robertson panel, the “CIA has not participated in any flying saucer activities and has referred all correspondence to the Air Force.” As to Mr. Davidson’s charges the CIA wrote to the congressman; Mr. Davidson’s belief that this agency is involved in the “flying saucer furor” and is using this as a tool in psychological warfare is entirely unfounded. His indication that CIA is misguiding persons in leading them to believe in Flying Saucers is also entirely unfounded. Next the CIA again tasked an agent to again impersonate an Air Force officer and phone Davidson to tell him that a thorough check showed that the signal had been of U.S. (not outer space) origin, and the tape and notes had been destroyed to conserve space. Knowing now that he was getting the runaround by the CIA, Davidson warned the agent that “he and his agency, whichever it was, were acting like Jimmy Hoffa and the Teamster Union in destroying records which might indict them.” This threat by Davidson caused panic inside the CIA. People dealing with Davidson were warned that he had already been given too much information, and too many names. No one was allowed to answer anything from Davidson unless the letter was registered. They were reminded that they were under no legal obligation to answer questions from the public. Strangely, this new strategy of simply ignoring Davidson actually worked. Eventually, Davidson seemed to give up on the case, and the tape from outer space was forgotten until the CIA told their distorted version of the story in a 1997 UFO report initiated by then CIA Director James Woolsey in 1993 who requested “another review of all Agency files on UFOs.” The report was titled A Die-Hard Issue: CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90” and it was published in a CIA publication called “Studies in Intelligence” .[13] Note: This author has spent over two years trying to recover the documents used to tell the satellite story in “A Die-Hard Issue: CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90."
1954 – A High Level British Contact In 1954 the United Kingdom also had a high level government contact with extraterrestrials. Unlike the Eisenhower contact the government individual in the UK went on the record to tell the whole story. Like in the Eisenhower contact nuclear weapons were a key component in the UK extraterrestrial story. The UK had just gotten into the nuclear race with their first atomic test in October 1952 and then two more nuclear tests in October 1953. In 1954 they had their visit from an extraterrestrial. The reported UK alien contact was made with Air Marshall Sir Peter Horsley who had been Deputy Commander-in-Chief, RAF Strike Command. In this key position Horsley would have had a key control role related to the nuclear weapons held by the British. At the time of the alien contact he was in the employ of Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, as equerry. Part of Horsley’s job was to receive UFO reports at the main operations center at the Department of Defense. He reported that gave some of these reports to the Prince Philip who had developed an interest in the subject. It was late in his life that Horsley related that his involvement with UFOs involved much more than reports. He told researchers about what he believed to be a 1954 direct alien encounter. He recounted the experience in his autobiography Sounds from Another Room. The meeting was set up by a mysterious General Martin who told Horsley he believed “the aliens were here to warn us of the perils of nuclear war.” The General told him that a Mr. Janus had a “message of the utmost importance” that needed to be discussed with Horsley in person. When Horsley arrived at the appointed meeting spot General Martin was not there but there was a Mrs. Markham at the apartment who welcomed Horsley and introduced him to a Mr. Janus. Janus asked Horsley what he knew about UFOs and after many questions Horsley asked Janus what his interest was. “I would like to meet the Duke of Edinburgh,” came the reply. As Horsley began to tell Janus that this would not be easy he became convinced that the man seated across from him was able to read his mind which disturbed him. Asked why he wanted to meet with the Prince, Janus replied that the Prince “is a man of great vision…who believes strongly in the proper relationship between man and nature which will prove of great importance in future galactic harmony.”[14] Janus went on to tell Horsley that mankind was “now striving to break his earthly bonds and travel to the moon and the planets beyond…the earth is going through a Dark Age at the moment where material possessions count more than a Man’s soul…” Janus spoke of the “dreadful specter of (mankind) blowing up his world” which was the other thing that really disturbed Horsley. In conversations with Tim Good Horsley recalled that this extraordinary man “knew all Britain’s top-secret nuclear secrets,” and “by the end of the meeting, I was quit disturbed, really.”[15] Horsley prepared a verbatim report of the meeting and presented it to Buckingham Palace. Prince Philip’s private secretary thought it was a joke, but the prince had an open mind about the event. The fact that Janus knew all Britain’s nuclear secrets made the Palace consider the situation a security risk and Horsley was sent back to talk to Janus again. When he arrived at the flat where the meeting had been the flat was abandoned, which really disturbed Horsley. Horsley never saw General Martin, Mrs. Markham, or Janus again. It led Horsley to conclude the man he had met with was an alien. Although Horsley recorded the incident in his autobiography, the official file of the event remains classified and unavailable. 1954 – High Level Canadian Extraterrestrial Contacts In 1954 the Canadians had their own encounter with aliens who had made contact with Wilbert Smith who was running the Canadian flying saucer program. Smith was, according to his wife, also in direct contact with Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent. An important consideration in the Canadian story is that Smith was a contactee who claimed to be in contact with aliens named AFFA, PONNAR, and TYLA. These were the same aliens that Francis Swan in Maine claimed contact with. These aliens carried messages against the continued building and testing of nuclear weapons. In answer to a question why the flying saucers were here Smith stated, “I think that these people from elsewhere are concerned with our playing with atomic energy, and about our plans for space travel and interplanetary exploration and conquest. I am sure that they do not hold us in very high esteem, and are worried about what we might do if we ever got loose in space armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons.”[16] AFFA stated that the nuclear tests were creating areas of reduced binding, which were causing airplane crashes from flying through the areas. Smith actually filed a report with the government on these areas of reduced binding. TYLA, on the other hand stated that part of his job was as a “dustman.” It was his job to fly around and clean up the mess created by open air nuclear testing. A significant difference between the 1954 Eisenhower encounter and the 1954 Canadian encounters is that the Canadian government actually admitted that their incidents had occurred. The first Canadian alien contact came on August 8, 1954. Weeks earlier Smith had been down to visit Mrs. Swan and according to the FBI document filed on the meeting Mrs. Swan was arranging for AFFA to fly over the flying saucer observatory outside the nation’s capitol that Smith had built as part of the official government flying saucer investigation known as Project Magnet. The flyover was planned for August 1st but for some reason it did not occur until the 8th. The alarms went as the gravimeter showed a large and unexplainable deflection on the graph paper. Smith and his staff raced out to see what had set of the gravimeter. It was overcast and the object was not visible. Smith however, spelled out to the press that the object did not have the signature of any known object. The Canadian government was now on record having successfully arranged for an extraterrestrial to fly over the nation’s capitol. It was written up in all the major Canadian newspapers. Two days later the government shut down Project Magnet stating “no definite conclusion had been reached.” Smith was allowed to continue to use the equipment, but there was no be no expense to the government, and Smith could no longer make statements on behalf of the government. That was the well known extraterrestrial encounter. The less know encounter was much more dramatic and involved the Canadian government actually trying to land an alien at a Top Secret Canadian base in 1954. Surprisingly, the initial announcement of the attempted landing came not from some researcher leak, but from the Canadian government itself. The year was 1967, and it was the 100th anniversary of Canada as a country. Many cities and towns built special buildings and tourist attraction to celebrate the centennial. In St. Paul, Alberta, their idea was to build a UFO landing base. When the day came for it to be opened, none other than the Canadian Minister of Defense showed up to cut the ribbon. During his speech at the opening Defense Minister Paul Hellyer would tell a story that would go down as one of the best UFO stories ever. Through a defense department official (identified by Hellyer as the Department expert on UFOs) Hellyer told a story to the people gathered for the UFO landing pad opening that would turn out to be pretty accurate. In the Canadian government version of the story a Top Secret Project had been set up, in which UFOs would be allowed to land at the Defense Research Board experimental Station at Suffield, Alberta. The base is the Canadian equivalent to Area-51. Here in a one thousand mile restricted tract of land the Canadian carried out chemical weapon tests and all other forms of secret things. The base was completely isolated and like Area-51 had a restricted no fly zone over it. As it was on flat ground there was no worry of people getting up in top the mountains to look down at what they were doing. There was according to the official government story, as told by Minister Hellyer, a special committee attached to a Top Secret UFO project. This was a revelation, as Smith’s Flying Saucer Project Magnet was always seen as the official top government program, but was only classified at the “secret’ level. It appeared that the committee referred to by Hellyer had to be independent and superior to Magnet. The actual identity of the committee will probably always remain as mystery, as the Canadian government claimed the committee records were destroyed in 1957. Then, despite the 1967 announcement of the attempt to land an alien at Suffield, even the story itself disappeared. Yurko Bandarchuk, a Canadian researcher, was told in 1979, “we have no record of any such project and… from the information I have, we never had one.” The Canadian government version of the story as related by Hellyer was as follows. “Several groups became convinced that some unknown beings were trying to make contact with the Earth. One group made a strong representation to the committee . . .because there had been attempts made by Canadian and U.S. Air forces planes to shoot down the UFOs the flying saucers were reluctant to land.” “It was argued if there was ever to be any contact, the hazards had to be removed. The UFOs had to be provided with a safe place. Accordingly, in an effort to give the ‘believers’ a chance to demonstrate the existence of the flying saucers trying to make contact with the earth, the defense Research Board was designated as a landing area. The step brought no results . . . insofar as the committee was concerned no evidence had been produced to prove their existence.” The story was printed in many newspapers across the country in July 1967. The revelation brought almost no reaction from the UFO community. Not until the late 1970s did people start to chase down the story. I picked up on the story and began to put the story in front of Smith inner circle members as well as writing to Paul Hellyer. Unknown to me was the fact that Arthur Bray, the researcher who was in possession of the Smith files at the time, was also writing Hellyer asking him for a full explanation of what had occurred. Of the many people that I put the story to, only Mrs. Smith knew the story fully and was prepared to talk about what had really happened. During my 1978 interview of Mrs. Smith I showed her the Winnipeg Free Press article telling of the statements that had been made by Minister Paul Hellyer at the UFO base opening in St. Paul in 1967. I asked Mrs. Smith if Wilbert had been involved. She read the article over carefully and then said, “Yes, Wilbert was involved.” In her version of the story this is what happened. Smith had always wanted a chance to convince the government that the aliens existed, and he believed strongly that the government should talk to the aliens face-to-face to learn all the elements beyond the simple reality of the aliens, such as where they are from and what they are doing here. Smith believed that if the government would stop shooting at the objects he might be able to get AFFA to land for a meeting. As described above he had already exhibited that he could get an object to fly over his observatory. The arrangement to land at the Suffield base initiated by Smith who was negotiating the landing with what Mrs. Smith described as “the government.” The three agencies representing the government, according to Mrs. Smith were the R.C.M.P., the Defense Department, and the Prime Minister. This may have been the Top Secret committee referred to in Hellyer’s speech. In contacts that were made through Mrs. Swan, AFFA would land at Suffield provided that there was no attempt to shoot him down. This request for protection by AFFA is actually mentioned in the August 1954 FBI memo, where AFFA is promising to fly near the flying saucer observatory and make a visible appearance. According to Mrs. Smith, Wilbert Smith put this demand to the government or committee, and the committee agreed no one would shoot AFFA’s ship down. Up to this point both sides were telling the same story, and there are documents to prove these events did occur. Following this AFFA, through Mrs. Swan, demanded that once he had landed and talked to whoever was there to meet him, he would be allowed to take off without any interference. According to Mrs. Smith the R.C.M.P. and Defense Department agreed to this, but when Smith approached what was described to me as the “government” a cabinet meeting was held to discuss AFFA’s demand. When the meeting was over the “government” could not give a 100% guarantee that AFFA would be allowed to take off once he had landed at Suffield. Smith immediately called off the planned landing. That is the story Mrs. Smith told. I placed many requests to the R.C.M.P. and the Defense Department requesting information or documents on the Top Secret UFO committee. All requests came back that they had no information. I requested a ministerial inquiry from parliamentary representative Lloyd Axworthy. Axworthy never did spell out what actions he had taken to force action, but stated to me on two occasions, “I can’t help you.” That ended the 1954 alien encounters in Canada. The government story was true. Nothing landed at the base. They just left out the part of the story as to how the alien was to know what square mile out of the 3.8 million square miles of the country he was to land in.
[2] This case was first made public when a former Air Force official provided the case for a documentary in the 1970s called “UFOs, Past, Present, and Future.” [5] The idea that they were natural objects captured by the Earth’s gravitation field is not rational as it true the objects would still be there. They aren’t. [6] Washington Evening Star, February 18, 1955 [7] Steward Alsop “Matter of Fact” N.Y. Herald Tribune may 25, 1955. Much of the detailed work on this 1954 satellite story and the Alsop connection was done by Dr. David Rudiak. [8] Steward Alsop, “Matter of Fact” NY Herald tribune, May 25, 1955 [10] Joseph and Steward Alsop, Censorship Warning” NY Herald Tribune, June 8, 1955 [11] In a June 15th article the brothers wrote that Cutler outlined “The measure of truth that ought to be told to the people “ that have been “especially commended to the White House staff by the President himself.” These rules included no “fact included in any document classified confidential or above, and should especially be kept from knowing any fact about thermonuclear weapons and other weapons; the status of our own defense effort; intelligence from the rest of the world;…all the various parameters that go into executive decision-making.” [12] Victor Marchetti, :How the CIA Views the UFO Phenomena” [14] Tim Good, “Need to Know” page 210 [15] Good page 212 [16] 1961 interview with Wilbert Smith |
One of the most informative Area 51 films I have seen I would put this one in the top ten. Many different subjects about the base and those who have and some that still are working on the base. This film was released on DVD in 1996. Contains Niara Isley segment - MILAB abduction / mind control service personell - Groom Lake / Area 51 at ~ 1hour 30 min.
by Michael E. Salla, PhD from Exopolitics Website
What follows is based on recent correspondence with Charles Hall from December 5-14, 2004 where he answers a number of questions, regarding the existence of ’Tall White’ extraterrestrials that he met while serving at Nellis Air Force base as a duty weather observer from 1965-67. His experiences are recorded in his three volume set of books, Millennial Hospitality (for details see
I had personally interviewed him on December 2 and summarized his responses from my interview notes to gain a general impression of Charles Hall. I found Charles Hall to be a credible witness of extraterrestrials that he met while serving at Nellis AFB, and he displayed remarkable qualities of integrity and fidelity in explaining the events that occurred.
In this correspondence with Charles Hall, I asked a set of questions on December 5, which he answered by email on December 12. I then sent some follow up questions which he answered on December 14. My aim in this correspondence was to focus of the activities of the ’Tall Whites ’ and their interactions with the US Air Force (USAF) in terms of better understanding the details of their trade and technological exchanges.
The questions and answers from this correspondence have been thematically organized, and grammatical corrections have been made. I begin this paper with the questions and answers supplied by Charles Hall. I finish this paper with my evaluation of his correspondence which I believe is vitally important in gaining a better idea of the political implications of the Tall White’s secret trade and technology agreements with US military/government authorities.
Orthgraphic views of generic Scout Craft According to Hall's Description
M.S. - Michael Salla
C.H. - Charles Hall
M.S. You describe the Tall Whites as building scout crafts using materials found on Earth. Can you elaborate on how you came to know this information?
C.H. This information is based on my personal observations. In book two, I describe the afternoon when "The Teacher" and "Range Four Harry" were showing me the inside of one of the scout craft. Many of the items, such as the seats and the overhead compartments still carried the mold markings placed on them by various American industries such as Boeing Aircraft and Lockheed Corporation. The overhead compartments were obviously "off-the-shelf" items from companies such as Airstream Corporation. Many of the clothing items that the Tall Whites were wearing were obviously purchased straight out of the Sears and Montgomery Wards Catalogs.
M.S. Can you name some of the materials used by the Tall Whites , and what role did the US military play in supplying these materials?
C.H. One of the big items was children’s clothing. In the mid 1960’s, on at least one occasion the USAF purchased more than $600,000 worth of children’s clothing from the Sears stores and warehouse in Los Angeles, California, picked it up in Government trucks, and shipped it to Indian Springs Auxiliary Field, Nevada. The trucks delivered the clothing to the main Tall White base at the north end of Indian Springs Valley.
M.S. Did you ever see the Tall Whites eat, and what kind of food did they eat?
C.H. I never personally saw the Tall Whites actually eat food, although I’m quite certain that they ate food as we humans do. For example, as described in my books, I did see the Tall White guard in the restaurant the old Aladdin casino (before it was remodeled ) sitting at the table behind me, disguised as a human wearing a black formal suit and wearing sunglasses even though it was night (not unusual for Las Vegas, Nev. at the time). He had ordered a complete dinner with water and cola to drink. It was on the table in front of him.
However, he did not appear to have eaten any of it. My friends who are range maintenance men told me that in the fall they frequently saw the Tall Whites up in the mountains collecting grass seeds and seeds of other eatable plants apparently for the purpose of eating. In any event, I’m certain that the Tall Whites ate only plants and never ate any meat or any of the ordinary meat products.
The food that I saw packaged and sealed in plastic bags on the scout craft, looked like thick mushroom pudding. It had obviously been prepared by the Tall Whites themselves, up in their living quarters and was intended for snacks and meals to be eaten when they were out hiking, etc. The Teacher at that time stated that the food was intended for the children but that sometimes the adults ate it if they were hungry. The Teacher used to make a pleasant joke about the little boy that I called the little fat astronaut.
She used to laughingly say that he was the one who liked the food, so perhaps they felt that the food here on earth wasn’t as tasteful as the food they were used to back on their home planet. On a different occasion The Teacher stated pleasantly that it wouldn’t be a good idea for me to eat all of the foods that they ate. She implied that two of their favorite foods would have adverse effects on me. It was my understanding that it might take my body as long and 2 years (for one) and 5 years for the other to get used to them. It was my understanding that eating those foods made a person feel very "HIGH" somewhat similar to drinking various quantities of alcohol.
I note from my studies of organic chemistry that the chemical molecule that gives the odor and flavor to strawberries is such a chemically simple molecule that it could be easily created by both plants and chemists on earth-like planets throughout the galaxy. For example, I’m told that a number of plants here on earth produce fruit that tastes similar to strawberries.
Likewise from my studies of Organic Chemistry, the sugar and starch molecules are the basis of energy foods and must certainly be important energy sources on every earth-like planet in our galaxy. Therefore, my guess is that one of the types of food that the Tall Whites would enjoy would be strawberry flavored puddings that were high in natural sugars and starches. As I remember it, the Tall White guard sitting in the old Alladin restaurant had ordered a piece of artificially flavored strawberry pie although he did not appear to have eaten any of it.
M.S. What kind of food was supplied by the USAF to the Tall Whites ?
C.H. I have no idea. However, the USAF was certainly supplying them with as much food of any type they requested. As I state in book one, the Tall Whites were inspecting the food storage rooms in the Indian Springs AAF chow hall. It was my understanding that a few of the Tall Whites' foods are made from plants that do not grow here on this earth. It is my understanding that their home planet is larger (perhaps twice as large) much drier and much warmer than the earth. So it would be natural for some of their plants to be unable to grow here on earth.
M.S. Was the food given to the Tall Whites in excess of their local needs and intended for interstellar trade?
C.H. The USAF was obviously willing to give them as much of any food item that they requested, no questions asked. The USAF was obviously entirely willing to give them both food and non-animal based clothing items (cotton, nylon, etc) without limit for use as trading materials.
M.S. Did the US play any role in the actual construction of the Tall White’s scout craft?
C.H. I’m not sure. From what I saw, the Tall Whites performed all of the construction activities themselves. I’m certain that the Tall Whites performed all work on the propulsion systems and on the fiber optics windings themselves.
M.S. Did the military have personnel observe the Tall Whites in the construction process or observe their construction facilities?
C.H. I’m certain that the Tall Whites did not allow any USAF personnel to observe the construction process. In book two, in the chapter entitled "Two Games on one Board" I describe the day that I was able to observe their repair activities from a short distance. To the best of my knowledge, I am the only human that was allowed to view those activities from as close as I was.
M.S. You described the hangar that was used as a base for the larger interstellar spacecraft used by the Tall Whites . Was this built solely by the Tall Whites or did the US military play a role in this?
C.H. The hanger appeared to have been entirely constructed by the USAF for use by the Tall Whites . For example, the inside of the hanger looked just like any other ordinary aircraft hanger. It included ordinary fire extinguishers, arrows marking exits, etc. In addition to writing and signs on the walls in english, it also include hieroglyphics and icons used by the aliens. The alien writing was done in pink paint against a white background.
M.S. When in your view was the hangar supplied by the USAF for the Tall Whites built?
C.H. I have no idea. However, I’m certain that the legends of Range Four Harry go back at least as far as 1954. The hanger construction (i.e. its steel supports, its other materials, it’s lighting designs, its concrete doors that raised up in narrow sections by being lifted up from the top, etc) were consistent with the construction techniques used in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s.
I note that president Harry Truman believed that he had seen a ghost in the white house during the late 1940’s and early 1950’s when he was president. In his description, he specifically stated that the white house guards would first "fall asleep" before the ghost came. His description of the ghost matches very very closely the actual appearance and behavior of an older Tall White guard. President Truman mistakenly believed that he had seen a ghost of President Abraham Lincoln.
My suggestion is that you research the stories of Lincoln’s "ghost" in the White House, the "ghost" of DONNA ANNA county in Las Cruces New Mexico and at White Sands New Mexico (1947?). My belief is that you will be surprised to see that descriptions of these "ghosts" and their behavior matches very very closely with the actual appearance and behavior of the Tall Whites . Remember that many of the range maintenance men who saw the Tall Whites believed that they were seeing "ghosts".
M.S. Are all the bases used by Tall Whites in the US supplied and constructed by the USAF?
C.H. I have no idea. My guess is that the answer is yes because I only saw USAF generals and personnel out on the Nellis Ranges.
M.S. You contrast nuclear powered propulsion as elementary for the Tall Whites which they supplied to the US military. You contrast this with anti-gravity propulsion which they did not supply. Are these the only two propulsion systems that the Tall Whites openly discussed or make known to the US authorities or to you?
C.H. Yes, as far as I know.
M.S. You mention that the Tall Whites supplied the know how for nuclear powered scout craft. Did the Tall Whites actually fly nuclear powered scout craft when on Earth or did they use anti-gravity propulsion in their scout craft?
C.H. The Tall Whites always used the anti-gravity powered space craft and scout craft. The nuclear powered craft were only for use by the USAF.
M.S. What kind of speed were the nuclear powered scout craft capable of, in contrast to the anti-gravity propelled scout craft?
C.H. Vastly slower. The anti-gravity craft were capable of speeds in excess of the speed of light where as the nuclear powered were capable of just ordinary rocket powered speeds.
M.S. Why do you believe that the Tall Whites took USAF officers for short trips to the moon?
C.H. Because of the significant number of times that I personally saw the Tall Whites using their scout craft (with groups of USAF Generals on board) taking off more or less straight up from Indian Springs valley just after sun rise when the moon was in the fourth quarter. The scout craft always headed towards the moon. Then later the same day, I would personally see the same scout craft returning just before noon back to the Indian Springs valley and landing. When the USAF Generals got off the craft they were laughing like they had just come back from the world’s best amusement park.
M.S. Do the Tall Whites have bases on the moon or other nearby planets?
C.H. I have no idea. However, as described in my writings, on the day (in book two) when I was shown the inside of one of the scout craft Range Four Harry stated, in what he considered to be a humorous story about the American Generals, that the reason the Tall Whites had taken a small group of American Generals for a short ride in the craft was to discuss the American request for help in building bases within the solar system.
Harry stated that the Tall Whites believed that the earth itself was the only reasonable location for bases within this solar system because all of the other locations were cold and uninhabitable.
M.S. Do you know if the Tall Whites assisted in the construction of moon facilities for the USAF?
C.H. I have no idea. However, I can’t imagine that the USAF would undertake such construction without first requesting help from the Tall Whites .
M.S. Did you ever hear of the Tall Whites taking officers to Mars or any other planet on one of their shuttles?
C.H. Yes. One occasion was described in my answer above. There were a number of other occasions that I am not able to describe in emails.
M.S. Would you surmise that in the almost 40 years since you last communicated / interacted with Tall Whites, that they may have supplied the know how for larger craft to the US military as part of more recent technology exchange agreements?
C.H. I can only guess. I would not think the Tall Whites would have changed their policy. They live roughly 10 times longer than humans. Forty years isn’t much time for them.
M.S. You mention that the Tall Whites regularly used Earth as a port of call for their large interstellar ships. Do you have any idea of what the cargo was for these ships that presumably were engaged in some sort of trade?
C.H. I feel certain that children’s clothes and adult clothes and food stuffs were big items. I also feel certain that pure refined metals such as aluminum and titanium were also included in the trade.
M.S. Any estimate for the total number of Tall Whites on Earth?
C.H. In book three in the chapter entitled "The End of the Innocence" I describe personally seeing more than 200-300 individuals lined up along the base of the mountains to the east of range three. Each large deep space craft could probably hold approximately the same number of individuals as a typical passenger cruise ship.
M.S. Would it be fair to say that the US military limits the number of Tall Whites on Earth due to the fear of them colonizing the Earth?
C.H. I can only guess. However, I would doubt very seriously that the US government has the ability to place any limits of that type on the Tall Whites. The Tall Whites are very independent. As I describe in my books, I wouldn’t think that any human, US government or otherwise would dare saying "No" to them or trying to limit them against their will. It would be suicide to try. Any such agreement would have to be very carefully negotiated.
Evaluation (M.S)
The Tall Whites’ construction of scout craft using material supplied by the USAF immediately strikes one as quite significant. Why would an interstellar race with advanced technological capabilities require local material unless those Tall Whites on Earth were expected to fend for themselves using what local material was available? The Tall Whites are presumably in a very analogous position to the first colonists in the New World who needed local material while waiting to be resupplied by the mother colony.
In exchange for local material and a base constructed by the USAF, the Tall Whites give in exchange the technological know how for the construction of nuclear powered scout crafts for visiting planets in the solar system. This suggests that the US have capabilities for space flight that far exceeds what is publicly known, and gives credence to allegations that secret military bases exist on the Moon and Mars (see The Mars Records).
The statement that the Tall Whites take on board their large interstellar ships material such as aluminum, titanium, food as well as clothes for both children and adults suggests that an active interstellar trade is occurring. The Tall Whites are acting as interstellar merchants identifying and gaining possession of Earth resources that are used by the Tall Whites for undisclosed purposes elsewhere in the galaxy.
Charles Hall explains that the US would supply food to the Tall Whites without any questions, and that this would be used as part of the trade the Tall Whites were engaged in. Now the question to be raised here are:
Just how extensive is this?
How much food are the Tall Whites taking, and is it exclusively for their use?
Could it be used to supply, for example, populations on other planets that have a food shortage?
Alternatively, could it be used to feed captive human populations relocated to other worlds?
Now what strikes one as quite odd is the reliance on human clothing and food by the Tall Whites. It is strange that the Tall Whites require human clothes in excess of their local needs, if there truly exists such a local need by the Tall Whites for human clothing as Charles Hall was led to believe. Why wouldn’t the Tall Whites prefer their own clothing products both on and off Earth?
After all, colonialism was historically distinguished by the colonial rulers imposing their own dress codes and customs on local populations. The Tall Whites hardly come across as profound admirers of humanity and its civilization as Hall reveals in his description of their contemptuous attitude towards USAF servicemen, and how they viewed the abundance of less intelligent life forms on Earth as very primitive. Indeed the Tall Whites stated that,
"On most planets, once people become intelligent, they don’t want to have anything to do with the animals that are much less intelligent than they are, so they kill them off."
(Millennial Hospitality II, p. 349).
Would such an extraterrestrial race with a contemptuous attitude for less intelligent life forms, voluntarily wear the clothing of what they regard as a less intelligent species?
It is hard to accept that the Tall Whites have a preference for human clothes since this is not a behavior described by other individuals who have had contact with human looking extraterrestrial races in general. It is more likely that the clothes supplied to the Tall Whites by the USAF was to be used for purposes other than clothing the Tall Whites either on Earth or elsewhere.
One plausible purpose is for interstellar trade. This would imply that the Tall Whites are trading with off humanoid races that may find human clothes to be exotic and attractive in the same way modern Europeans might find traditional Chinese clothes attractive. Another possible use is that the Tall Whites are using the clothes to supply humans from Earth that have been relocated to other worlds visited or controlled by the Tall Whites.
As in the case of food, was the real purpose of the clothes supplied to the Tall Whites intended for humans that were secretly being relocated by the Tall Whites? Could the use of human clothes by the Tall Whites described by Charles Hall have been a cover for the real use of the clothes, to clothe humans shipped to interstellar locations as a part of a resource exchange program?
Perhaps, more disturbingly, could the food and clothing supplied to the Tall Whites be part of a resource exchange program that the US military is aware of but feels powerless to stop? All these questions require further investigation by those committed to making public exactly what Earth resources are being given to the Tall Whites, and for what purposes.
This takes me to the final issue which concerns Charles response that the Tall Whites can’t be restricted in any way by the USAF. He believes that it is suicidal to try to restrict the Tall Whites, and that only carefully negotiated agreements can be made with them. This is reminiscent of the comments by Col Phillip Corso that the US had entered into a kind of ’negotiated surrender’ with an extraterrestrial race:
"We had negotiated a kind of surrender with them [extraterrestrials] as long as we couldn’t fight them. They dictated the terms because they knew what we most feared was disclosure"
(The Day After Roswell, p.292).
Hall certainly believes, along with the US military, that the Tall White’s technological superiority forces the US military to enter into agreements that may not reflect very favorable terms.
In Millennial Hospitality, a revealing passage describes the extent to which the Tall Whites want to instill in Charles a sense of the technological superiority of the Tall Whites and the ineffectiveness of any offensive measures (vol II, pp. 274-75). Charles is told to throw a rock at a Tall White guard and reluctantly complies only to witness it being stopped in mid-flight, along with other rocks that were thrown.
This display of technological superiority was designed to demonstrate to Charles, and presumably, the USAF, the failure of any kind of attack on the Tall Whites. However, rather than demonstrate the Tall Whites technological superiority, doesn’t this act of bravado achieve the very opposite? Doesn’t it reveal that the Tall Whites are perhaps too eager to impress upon Charles and the USAF the futility of any kind of attack on the Tall Whites? This eagerness most likely comes not from a sense of invulnerability, but from a perceived weakness that they are intending to hide.
It has been speculated by remote viewers such as Ingo Swann that extraterrestrial races with advanced technologies are actually quite vulnerable to the advanced psychic abilities of humans (Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy, 1998 ). If it is accurate that the Tall Whites feel vulnerable to some human potential that might threaten them, then it may be that psychic abilities are what the Tall Whites fear, rather than US military technology. If this is the case, then that might explain why Charles Hall has been allowed to come forward and reveal to the general public his remarkable contact experiences while serving in the USAF.
If the Tall Whites are engaging in resource extraction from Earth on terms that the US military and/or the ’shadow government’ is unhappy with but feels unable to change, then the US military/Shadow government may be looking for some way to change the terms of their agreements. If Swann and others are correct about human psychic abilities and the potential of human consciousness, then releasing this information to the general public may be a means of introducing global consciousness as a factor in what has been secretly occurring.
In conclusion, Charles Hall reveals important details about the nature of the agreements between US government/military authorities and the Tall Whites. The resource extraction that is occurring may be nothing more than the benign exchange of food, clothes and metals for advanced technology supplied by the Tall Whites. On the other hand, a more sinister extraction of Earth resources is happening, one that may involve the relocation of humans who are fed and clothed by material supplied to the Tall Whites by the USAF, who feel powerless to prevent this.
Whatever the truth concerning the resource extraction that is happening, it is important that the general public become informed of what is occurring in these secret trade agreements, and ensure that such transactions are marked by transparency, accountability and a democratic decision making process.
Not only are these desirable political processes an ethical response to the trade agreements with the Tall Whites, these processes may prove to be a very wise strategic move in dealing with a more technologically advanced extraterrestrial race.
Exopolitics versus Exospin:
A Response to Dr Steven Greer
In January 1994, I remember visiting the Jakarta office of Mr Irawan Abidin, the former Director of Foreign Information in the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I had just arrived from a two week field trip to the former Indonesian territory of East Timor researching alleged human rights abuses. I had found ample evidence of abuses through the traumatized testimonies of many East Timorese I had spoken with. Mr Abidin assured me that systematic human rights abuses were not occurring in East Timor and that such claims were spurious accusations orchestrated by discontented Timorese expatriates who were the former ruling elite. I politely explained to him what I had been told in my fieldwork involving interviews with dozens of private citizens, but he insisted that such claims were gross exaggerations and people were basically content in East Timor. He handed me a Ministry publication to support his position and exhorted me to tell the world how content people were with Indonesian rule in East Timor. In reading Steven Greer's recent public statement, "Exopolitics or Xenopolitics" where he openly criticizes me as someone supporting xenophobic approaches to Exopolitics, I had a feeling of déjà vu with my earlier meeting with Mr Abidin concerning my research into alleged human rights abuses.
In his May 2 statement, Greer claims: "While there are certainly diverse opinions regarding why any given extraterrestrial civilization may wish to visit Earth at this time in our history, recent public comments by Michael Salla have added a virulent strain of fear-based xenophobia, based on the flimsiest of documentation." Dr Greer further states: "He has maintained that a nefarious and injurious group of ETs have made a secret pact with covert humans - and have a harmful agenda towards the human race." This, and more. The Disclosure Project has over 450 military, government and corporate insiders who have first-hand knowledge of actual UFO/ET events and projects. We find it odd that not a single one of these insiders can confirm the xenophobic rumors proffered by Salla." [see: ].
I accept Dr Greer's implicit invitation to engage in a public debate with him concerning the evidence supporting the diverse motivations and activities performed by extraterrestrial visitors. I think such a debate is healthy and can lead to greater cooperation between exopolitical researchers and activists who have long been polarized into mutually antagonist camps of those exclusively viewing extraterrestrials as benign visitors helping humanity evolve, and those generally viewing extraterrestrials as committing systematic human rights abuses. I will avoid personalizing such a debate which can only be a distraction and focus only on the arguments offered by Dr Greer and myself in discussing the substantive issues raised in his public statement and my own public research.
To begin, in his statement Greer explicitly refers to his database of 450 whistleblower cases as the source for his exopolitical view that extraterrestrials visiting Earth are exclusively benign advanced civilizations sincerely desiring humanity to evolve into a mature, sovereign and independent galactic species. It's worth pointing out that Dr Greer has only released the identities and testimonies of a comparatively small sample of that database in his Disclosure Book (which has almost 70 testimonies, less than 20% of his alleged database). I have privately corresponded with Dr Greer on a number of occasions where he has repeatedly dismissed the data I have forwarded to him that some extraterrestrials are violating the rights of individuals, and that agreements with covert agencies have indeed been reached where these agencies have become complicit in such violations.
Dr Greer claims that his database of 450 military, government, and corporate whistleblower cases do not support the idea that extraterrestrials are engaging in such human rights violations, nor that some extraterrestrials have reached agreements with covert government agencies. He boldly claims that "not a single one of these insiders can confirm the xenophobic rumors proffered by Salla." This is a gross misrepresentation of the data possessed by Dr Greer. This can be easily demonstrated by the case of Lt Col Philip Corso who is prominently featured as a Disclosure Project Witness, and is arguably the most widely known and significant whistleblower to ever emerge in UFO research. According to Greer, Corso did not confirm that some extraterrestrials were engaging in activities that violated individual rights which for Greer are xenophobic claims. That is a gross misrepresentation of Col Corso's position as evidenced in statements such as the following in his soon to be published private notes:
... the aliens have shown a callous indifference concerning their victims. Their behavior has been insidious and it appears they might be using our earth and manipulating earth life. Skeptics will excuse them that possibly they are benevolent and want to help, however, there is no evidence they have healed anyone or alleviated human ailments. On the other hand, they have caused pain, suffering and even death ( ).
I have privately corresponded with Greer on Corso's testimony but he has repeatedly dismissed this information and now boldly states that not a single one of these insiders can confirm such allegations. As the above quote and other selections from Corso's testimony demonstrate, Greer is incorrect. The case of Corso is not isolated. For example, with regard to allegations of human rights abuses and of a shooting war involving extraterrestrials at an underground facility in New Mexico, Dulce, made by whistleblowers such as Phil Schneider, Greer includes these among the list of xenophobic rumors. Unfortunately, another prominent Disclosure Project whistleblower, Dan Morris, not only confirms the existence of the Dulce facility, but also that Schneider did indeed work there and was eliminated for disclosing classified information about such bases and what had occurred there with resident extraterrestrials. In Greer's' Disclosure book, Morris says: "There are other people who have been eliminated for what they know. One was a friend of mine. Phil Snyder (sic) who worked out here in New Mexico building the tunnels - the biggest one that he was involved with was the Dulce underground facility" (Disclosure, p. 359).
Another area where I have privately corresponded with Greer concerns alleged covert agreements between some extraterrestrial groups and covert government agencies. According to Greer's statement, this is part of the xenophobic rumor mill I am spreading on the flimsiest of documentation. We do not have to look too far to find evidence of such covert agreements among Greer's list of Disclosure Project witness. In addition to Corso who claims that the government had been forced into a "negotiated surrender" with extraterrestrials, and of Morris's claims of extraterrestrials residing at the underground Dulce facility, we find the example of Capt Bill Uhouse, another Disclosure Project witness, who describes how extraterrestrials would come into classified meetings to give hints to scientists and engineers concerning the reverse engineering of extraterrestrial technology. Similarly, Sgt Clifford Stone has testified how upon his induction into covert projects concerning extraterrestrials, he was taken into a secure facility under the Pentagon where he was taken to have a telepathic communication with a gray extraterrestrial where he blanked out and was then threatened with death if he disclosed what had happened.
The above examples demonstrate that Greer selectively filters out or ignores the testimonies of some Disclosure Project witnesses who describe invasive extraterrestrial behaviors, and agreements between extraterrestrials and covert government agencies. More significantly, Greer excludes from his database an extensive number of whistleblowers that have publicly discussed extraterrestrials performing egregious activities, e.g., Paul Bennewitz, Phil Schneider, Robert Dean, John Lear, "Connor O'Ryan", Dan Burisch, Charles Hall and others. For example, in the case of Charles Hall, Hall described numerous instances where Tall White extraterrestrials willfully intimidated, threatened or injured military servicemen who were unfortunate enough to accidentally run into the Tall Whites that roamed the Nellis AFB hidden facility and deliberately stalked servicemen.
In addition to manipulating his database by filtering Disclosure Project witness testimonies and excluding the testimonies of other whistleblowers revealing abusive extraterrestrial activities and covert government agreements, Greer regularly dismisses evidence from researchers with extensive field work expertise such as Dr David Jacobs, Budd Hopkins, Dr Karla Turner, Whitley Strieber, and others analyzing case studies of abductees whose rights have been systematically violated by extraterrestrials. Dr Jacobs for example has examined hundreds of abduction case studies over several decades to reach his conclusion that the behavior of extraterrestrials consistently violates accepted human rights standards and is a long term threat to human sovereignty. According to Greer, Dr Jacobs work can be easily dismissed as part of the undocumented xenophobic rumor mill based on flimsy evidence, yet Jacob's work is well documented.
Also, Greer regularly refers to the Military Abductions (MILABs) phenomenon offered by Dr Helmut Lammer to support his thesis that all alleged abuses attributed to extraterrestrials can be ascribed to MILABs imitating extraterrestrials or to individuals projecting psychological traumas onto benign extraterrestrial visitors. This is a distortion of the evidence provided by Dr Lammer who does not exclude the possibility that extraterrestrials are violating human rights during the abduction phenomenon, only that the military is attempting to replicate extraterrestrial methods and violating human rights in the process.
Furthermore, Greer does not refer to the extensive research of those such as Zecharia Sitchin, Dr Arthur Horn, William Bramley, Jim Marrs, and others who have examined archeological records and argued that humanity has been seeded by extraterrestrial groups who have violently competed among themselves for control of the Earth. Indeed, these sources point to a long historical presence where humanity has been used as an exploitable resource by some extraterrestrial groups whose motivations and activities are certainly questionable when it comes to the question of human rights violations.
Finally, in addition to dismissing the data on different categories of researchers documenting extraterrestrial violations of human rights in the modern and ancient era, Greer dismisses the testimonies of a great number of alleged contactees describing the nefarious activities of some contemporary extraterrestrial visitors. Contactees such as Howard Menger, Enrique Castillo Rincon, Eduard "Billy" Meier, "Prof Hernandez", Brian Scott, and many others whose testimonies have been documented and investigated by competent researchers.
In sum, by filtering the testimonies of Disclosure Project witnesses on invasive extraterrestrial activities and covert agreements; excluding the testimonies of whistleblowers openly describing invasive extraterrestrial behaviors; excluding the extensive data offered by reputable researchers of the abduction phenomenon; ignoring the data of exo-archeologists, and dismissing the relevance of many 'contactee' testimonies, Greer is engaging in a willful attempt to distort the public conclusions concerning the true motivations and activities of the extraterrestrial visitors. While his effort to spin data concerning extraterrestrial activities in a positive light may be perceived by some to be well intentioned, it is in reality both naive and dangerous to distort public perceptions in this manner given the extensive data suggesting that extraterrestrials have been involved in systematic human rights violations and that some government agencies have been complicit in these.
Based on the data I have examined in my Exopolitics research, I have arrived at the conclusion that extraterrestrials are as varied as humans in terms of their motivations and interactions with humanity. Some extraterrestrials are highly ethical and principled as Dr Greer contends. I have pointed out in a number of my research papers that many extraterrestrial groups are advanced evolved beings genuinely wishing to assist humanity in its evolution, and have not entered into covert agreements with government agencies where they believe advanced extraterrestrial technology will be misused by irresponsible government agencies. These extraterrestrials appear to be in the majority which would replicate the social dynamics of human societies where a majority a citizens are law abiding.
This is where in his statement Greer distorts the nuances in my research and argues as follows: "I feel a point has been reached where silence only redounds to the further empowerment of a message of fear, hatred, prejudice - and the unwitting buttressing of the argument for weapons and war in space." So Greer believes that my analysis buttresses the argument for the weaponization of space. The deliberate targeting of extraterrestrial visitors by covert government agencies using advanced weapons is a major concern which I have pointed out on a number of occasions in my recent papers (see: ). On the other hand, there appears to be a minority of extraterrestrial visitors, who view humans as a biological resource to be exploited and have entered into covert agreements with a number of government agencies who easily exploited due to the latter's desire for advanced technologies. Extraterrestrials entering into such agreements have demonstrated little genuine desire to assist humanity in its evolution to a mature planetary civilization. There is credible evidence that covert agreements have led to various government agencies becoming complicit in some of the more egregious extraterrestrial activities such as what had or is occurring at the alleged Dulce facility. The solution is not a military campaign using space weapons, but a political solution based on political disclosure of the extaterrestrial presence and the public accountability of public officials making key decisions in the management of extraterrestrial affairs.
The truth concerning alleged covert agreements between some extraterrestrial visitors and government agencies makes for a far more complex exopolitical situation than Dr Greer is willing to concede or support. That is understandable since the data is seldom conclusive, important whistleblowers or witnesses are intimidated into silence, which altogether compounds the difficulty of researchers seeking to document their sources and reach reliable conclusions. Nevertheless, the available data is overwhelming that such agreements exist, and that some extraterrestrial visitors are violating human rights with the complicity of government agencies. Greer laments that: "The facile acceptance of every story as true- no matter how dangerously xenophobic - is irresponsible and can only serve the agenda of those who wish to see the populace dis-informed, panicked and cowed into eventually accepting a military, space-based solution to the ET problem." He further argues that trying to distinguish between different categories of extraterrestrial visitors to discern their motivations and activities is a form of racism. He claims: "Today, we see racist appellations applied to certain alleged ET groups - The Grays! The Reptilians! The Tall White Ones! Must we go down this tired, dirty path again? Must we replay the sordid history of human racism, prejudice, and xenophobia as we begin our first steps towards the stars?" Unfortunately, Greer overlooks the solid research data that points to as many as 60 or more different extraterrestrial races actively interacting with or monitoring Earth. This data is supported by credible whistleblowers such as Clifford Stone and Robert Dean.
To conclude that all extraterrestrial visitors are uniform in their benign activites and motivations is greatly mistaken, and it appears Greer wishes to assert such a fallacious view on the general public and use his status to punish or intimidate researchers arguing a contrary position. I have presented my research concerning the motivations and activities of different extraterrestrial visitors and their varying degrees of involvement in covert government agreements in a 17,000 word report (see: ). The data is impressive and credible, and cannot be simply dismissed by a strongly worded rhetorical flourish of 1400 words as evidenced in Greer's May 2 statement.
While I respect the important work Dr Greer has done through the Disclosure Project in encouraging many credible whistleblowers to come forward, I disagree both with his research method and his conclusions. Greer claims with regard to my research that: "The facile acceptance of every story as true- no matter how dangerously xenophobic - is irresponsible and can only serve the agenda of those who wish to see the populace dis-informed, panicked and cowed into eventually accepting a military, space-based solution to the ET problem." Greer's opinion here greatly distorts the data presented by several of his own Disclosure Project witnesses as explained above, in addition to the work of many other whistleblowers, researchers and witnesses, which are supported to varying degrees by available documentation. I certainly don't accept all data concerning alleged abuses by extraterrestrial visitors, but conclude that there exists credible and substantiated data supporting this conclusion. Rather than get into an acrimonious turf war over what can and can't be said or accepted in exopolitics research, I invite Dr Greer to respond to my criticisms of his research method so I and the general public can gain a more accurate picture of the true motivations and activities of extraterrestrial visitors.
I think a scholarly debate over the pros and cons concerning the data pointing to the varied motivations and activities of extraterrestrial visitors, and their alleged agreements with covert government agencies is highly valuable. Greer dismisses those holding contrary views on alleged extraterrestrial abuses or covert agreements as xenophobic, racist, and supporting military solutions to extraterrestrial visitation. This strikes me as a form of political spin or "exospin", that replicates methods used by the mouthpieces of repressive regimes such as Mr Irawan Abidin of the former Suharto government in Indonesia. I contend that exopolitics is the scholarly analysis of all credible data concerning the extraterrestrial presence, not a highly selective approach that supports a preconceived conclusion of only advanced benign extraterrestrial visitors to our planet. The latter is not objective exopolitical scholarship but exospin of the most disingenuous kind.
Michael E. Salla, PhD
May 5, 2006
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Saturday, September 20, 2014 16:46
Of the many explosive revelations in this FSB report, the one most concerning to Russian authorities are the Snowden’s documents “confirming” that the “Tall Whites” (further revealed by Defense Minister Hellyer as noted above) are the same extraterrestrial alien race behind the stunning rise of Nazi Germany during the 1930’s.
more at the link...