Because I can, you can do it too!
Beware, this is a very dangerous logic!
There is a russion guy who can drink 2 liters of Vodka, and suffer no bad health.
If he tried to convince you that you can do it to, would you try doing it ?
All I am trying to say is this: how we tolerate potentially harmfull substances is extremely indiviual.
Another thing about appricot seeds is that they may vary extremely when it comes to the content of cianid.
Extremely bitter appricot seeds can have 1000 times more cianids compared to the sweet appricot seeds.
So, eating just a few bitter appricot seeds may acually poison you ... while consuming 40 sweet apprict seeds may have no negaive effect.
Just listen to your on body ... it will tell you what is good for you.
If something tastes bad ... like extremely bitter taste, maybe you should not eat it.
If something tastes god, like sweet appricote seeds ... maybe it is good for you.
We have our taste buds to protect us from poisoning ... but you have to trust them!
Cyanide poisoning caused by ingestion of apricot seeds.
Akyildiz BN1, Kurtoğlu S, Kondolot M, Tunç A.
Author information
To report diagnostic, clinical and therapeutic aspects of cyanide intoxication resulting from ingestion of cyanogenic glucoside-containing apricot seeds.
Thirteen patients admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) of Erciyes University between 2005 and 2009 with cyanide intoxication associated with ingestion of apricot seeds were reviewed retrospectively.
Of the 13 patients, four were male. The mean time of onset of symptoms was 60 minutes (range 20 minutes to 3 hours). On admission, all patients underwent gastric lavage and received activated charcoal. In addition to signs of mild poisoning related to cyanide intoxication, there was severe intoxication requiring mechanical ventilation (in four cases), hypotension (in two), coma (in two) and convulsions (in one). Metabolic acidosis (lactic acidosis) was detected in nine patients and these were treated with sodium bicarbonate. Hyperglycaemia occurred in nine patients and blood glucose levels normalised spontaneously in six but three required insulin therapy for 3-6 hours. Six patients received antidote treatment: high-dose hydroxocobalamin in four and two were treated with a cyanide antidote kit in addition to high-dose hydroxocobalamin. One patient required anticonvulsive therapy. All patients recovered and were discharged from the PICU within a mean (SD, range) 3.1 (1.7, 2-6) days.
Cyanide poisoning associated with ingestion of apricot seeds is an important poison in children, many of whom require intensive care.
Poison warning over apricot seeds
Last updated at 09:21 12 April 2006
Apricot seeds which are sold for their health benefits could be poisonous if eaten in large quantities, the Food Standards Agency said today.
They can produce cyanide and could be fatal in high doses over a short period of time, the Government's food watchdog warned.
A maximum of two bitter apricot kernels may be safely eaten in one day, it said.
Natural food retailer Julian Graves pulled the seeds from shop shelves after it was found selling packs with a recommended daily dosage of up to 10 kernels.
Bitter apricot kernels are thought to contain high levels of vitamin B17, known as laetrile, which has been described as an immune system-booster and even as a cancer treatment.
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