Seems not many people on the juice fasting here. Where are the marathon girls?
Day 3 here. Added apple cider vinegar to my regimen. And taking extra vit. D3, K2, E and C. They often seem to be lacking in juicing.
Using the Cron - o - meter online REALLY helps with your missing vits and mins. Probably everyone is lacking the D3 and K2 if you're over 50. Adding at least 4000 iu really helps there on the D3 and about 10% of that on the K2.
At usual, the mornings are the easiest. Evenings the toughest. I watch too much TV and they seem to have nothing but food commercials btw shows. Watching Naked and Afraid helps. ;-)
Paul Bragg said EARN your morning breakfast, so as he did, I'm adding exercise in the morning before having juice. (though already had 2 waters, some green drink and ACV) THEN after stretching, biking a mile, some back and neck cracking exercises (saves $40 from the chirop) THEN I'll drink the first official juice of the day.
For those of you never having done a juice fast, it's weird. Most times you're feeling light and yet you also feel weak. I love the light and semi energetic feeling, so that helps with the weak feeling...both at the same time. As the days go on, you'll feel more light and energy and less weak. IF and when you make it to the 12th day and beyond, you'll be feeling very light and energetic and very little weak.
Till tomorrow - I can do another day.