Cleansing from biofilms/candidiasis helps a great deal too!
A short
Bowel Cleanse usually goes a long way towards helping in absorbing nutrients and lightening the burden on a body which has had long-standing issues.
Thank you for your courage in sharing with us, and from here in DK, best wishes for the revival of your health and lovelife, KC.
I have similar issues, though it was bone cancer in my case some ten years ago, and a low libido in my hubbylove as well.
Have you had the chance to cleanse?
A short glance into how biofilms form (in the gut):
Antibiotics are a classic example of things that trigger candida to change into it's hyphal form. Another is a diet very low in resistant starches and fruits and veggies.
Hyphal form candida is also a matter of concern in cancers. If there have been long-standing biofilm colonies, vitamin and mineral deficiencies can occur, and this (helps) weakens the immune system. In the case of specially fat-soluable vitamin deficiencies, infectious candida can wriggle its way into cell membranes in various tissues of the body, and contribute to the formation of cancers.
Research on the matter is a little harder to track down here on the 'net, but that's one of the benefits of having a large alternative health community (like CZ). There are several doctors who've followed the matter though, and have interesting material available for solid
Science on the subject. Dr Emanuel Revici and Dr Jerry Tennant are some who have books available.
Of side data:
zinc is known for helping testosterone and energy levels
From your story, I believe learning more about cleansing can help you both a good deal- followed by a nutrient-dense diet to help rebuild bodily tissues.
green smoothies and gently-cooked dark greens such as kale and organic spinatch can be of benefit. zinc from vegetables is easiest to absorb, and it's one of those nutrients that helps up testosterone levels. Remember to steam or retain as much water as possible from the cooking, as much of the potassium (etc) is flushed out by pouring cookingwater down the drain.
For an easy clarification on the way biofilms/candida overloads the body and immune system, here's a 25min soundbyte about it from a doctor of chiropractic medicine: (mind, detoxifying from fermentation byproducts is a function of the immune system, alongside fighting infections and healing wounds.)