Hello! I'm on my 6th day of strictly
Water Fasting and since day 4 I have been having excessive saliva which has been making me spit every 30 seconds. I literally have 2 bottles of nothing but spit :S I even tried brushing my teeth and using a tongue scraper and its no help. Even drinking water I can feel my mouth starting to salivate and its so annoying! Since the excessive saliva has been happening I also had a feeling of nausea to the point where my esophagus had acidity building up wanting to come out but it never did until I forced myself to vomit (almost clear with a slight yellow tint appearance) which caused some relief in my esophagus but now it's just my stomach that feels slightly uncomfortable But it's manageable. So what I would like to know is this excessive salivating going through my way of detoxifying? Or is something going wrong? I don't feel hungry as I did on day 1, 2 or 3 so I don't think I'm going through a "true hunger" phase but your take on it would be of some help... Thank you.