Black Specks & Pinpricks.
StillBattling, gave me insight into the prevalence of black specks being a part of a Collembola/Springtails infestations as he has personal experience with this.
Mites are so minute their feces would not be visible or the size of these specks. I just want to ponder for a moment and ask others what they think, You too Still B.
Theory 1.
I wonder if it's possible that even mites could cause poops this large. Large enough to be seen as black specks if they poop in one spot in their track.
Theory 2. Or if they all poop in the one spot.
Theory 3. It could be dried blood. Blood from them tunnelling and pushing the blood behind them in the tunnel to gather as a speck.
Theory 4. on Pinpricks.
When a mite would get onto me from my dog (infested at the same time) I never got a pinprick sensations. Just an itch 24 hours later. When inspected I would find the beginning of a track and the hole.
I think the pinpricks are them well and truly under the skin in the track and them chewing the track bigger or dropping their acid to enlarge it.
Anyone with mites, scabies, bird mite experience want to chime in here with their thoughts? Just for sharing ideas, not for definites. I no longer expect definites, Even Entomologists have not been able to give an opinion on this one.
Theory 5. When I go into a pharmacy or feed store they go nuts on my feet and I get pinpricks. Is this new ones that are in those stores or does the smell in those stores activate them to move. I think it is the latter as new ones gettng on me do not usually make pinpricks.