From what I can gather Sucanat was invented by a Swiss pediatrician named Max-Henri Beguin. From what I read in the link below the proccess or company that made the original formulation has passed many hands including the well known commercial white
Sugar giant Domino. As it happens in big business profit is the number one motive so the original method to produce Sucanat has bastardized to produce higher yields. The latest owner Wholesome Sweeteners while using "organically grown cane has has now further bastardized the original process which you can read about in the link below.
The article also mention a product made in Brazil called "Rapadura" that is now also available in the US. From my reading in this article this is the real undulterated proccess of no other processing than evaporating the cane juice which produces a fairly solid product like the original version of Sucanat and not like the current version where they altered the original product to produce a more "commercially marketable" product that is more free flowing. Makes me think of white flour and rice............
I am familiar with this "Rapadura" cause the Cubans have something called "Raspadura" which I suspect is the exact same thing the Brasilians produce and I wonder if it's not just a typo in the article where the left the S out. I think the question now is to find an organic source of this "Raspadura". I am almost 100% sure that I can find this raspadura in So Fla but I really doubt it very much that it will be organic. Next time I speak with my friends from SFla I'll ask about it.
From the first time I looked at the Sucanat site I just had this instinctual feeling of big business, profits and marketing hype. Perhaps from my background in having had worked with ad agencies doing "advertizing photography". One of my best buddies in Miami is a "food photographer" and I know all the fake stuff they do to make things appear yummy. As a matter of fact he does work in the belly of the advertizing beast for one of the top 2 biggest burger franchises in the world. I'm sure you have seen his work.
This article in the link below definetly has hightened and somewhat confirmed those suspisions but hey that's just >my< opinion..........I could be wrong.................
Read the article and judge for yourself.
Bottom line is you are the only one that "knows" what it will take for you to not "fail" and to achieve your goals. Use your intuition and instincts and swim towards the light...............
From what I can gather Sucanat was invented by a Swiss pediatrician named Max-Henri Beguin. From what I read in the link below the proccess or company that made the origianl formulation has passed many hands including the well known commercial white
Sugar giant Domino. As it happens in big business profit is the number one motive so the original method to produce Sucanat has bastardized to produce higher yields. The latest owner Wholesome Sweeteners while using "organically grown cane has has now further bastardized the original process which you can read about in the link below.
The article also mention a product made in Brasil called "Rapadura" that is now also available in the US. From my reading in this article this is the real undulterated proccess of no other processing than evaporating the cane juice which produces a fairly solid product like the original version of Sucanat and not like the current version where they altered the original product to produce a more commercially marketable product that is more free flowing.
I am familiar with this product cause the Cubans have something called "Raspadura" which I suspect is the exact same thing the Brasilians produce. I think the question now is to find an organic source of this "Raspadura". I am almost 100% sure that I can find this raspadura in So Fla but I really doubt it very much that it will be organic. Next time I speak with my friends from SFla I'll ask about it.
From the first time I looked at the Sucanat site I just had this instinctual feeling of big business, profits and marketing hype. Perhaps from my background in having had worked with ad agencies doing "advertizing photography". One of my best buddies in Miami is a "food photographer" and I know all the fake stuff they do to make things appear yummy. As a matter of fact he does work in the belly of the advertizing beast for one of the top 2 biggest burger franchises in the world. I'm sure you have seen his work.
This article in the link below definetly has hightened and somewhat confirmed those suspisions but hey that's just >my< opinion..........I could be wrong.................
Read the article and judge for yourself.
Bottom line is you are the only one that "knows" what it will take for you to not "fail" and to achieve your goals. Use your intuition and instincs and swim towards the light...............