One poster mentioned in the last year or more, that as his UT protocol of drinking all his fluid progressed he slowly stopped eliminating fluid. He wondered if he should drink more water.
Perhaps like your note, this is related to our systems ability to process water in the different ways it uses water.
It may be important to understand how our cellular systems ozmotic ability functions properly and is able to take in and also eliminate, or how because of low cell voltage shutting down a cells pumping action or unhealthy cell wall construction from processed fats, is to some degree comprimised(Dr Tennant's Healing is Voltage). Or our extracellular function might be considered if we suspect subpar performance perhaps due to mucin becoming so prevelant in the extracellular spaces from hypothyroidism.(mucin deposits are also the reason why body shapes often do not easily change evan with lots of exercise.see 'HIV' by Tennant MD)
How our systems needs for water is being controlled at any one moment is due to many factors. And if we are practicing UT it would also be helpful if we knew just how toxified our urine could be at the moment. We can consider how kidney absorption of extracellular fluid should be constant but we are certainly maleable as an overall system, so things can be contrary to normal elimination when UTing.
While the basic action of fluid entering the extracellular spaces via the small intestine, and then used by more complex systems can be understood and perhaps tracked in some ways, the quickness u mention may seem confusing, unless we remember we may be inbibing far more often then we normally do and that that may be the main affect, so a reregulating may be happening also.
One way might be to drink much more slowly. Or to refridgerate it for periodic inbibing, so not so much so quickly.
And for those with any prostate growth, this would have an effect(no mystery there).
For those who didnt know about Iodine's extreme importance to our overall system, 'G's note is very helpful.
Whether its Iodine's superior infection fighting ability or its particular use by all the fluid producing organs like the prostate, is probably personel each time.
I think it was JAB or mabey someone else who first mentioned that they no longer needed to use their prostate medicine once they started using iodine in some forum years ago.