Hi There,
Thanks for posting on Cure Zone! I know it’s been a while since you posted about your situation, however I hope I can still be of help to you as well as other fellow CureZone readers that have a similar issue.
First off, I wanted to point out the common symptoms of hemorrhoids, to see exactly whether or not you can identify what you’re feeling with the following common symptoms:
• Irritation and Itching
• Pain or discomfort during bowel movements
• Sensitive or painful
• Leakage of feces
Unlike hemorrhoids, polyps are often painless, and their very existence is typically not discovered until it is diagnosed incidentally during a colonoscopy.
Secondly, the sting from the witch hazel is normal when applied to hemorrhoids due to its astringent properties. You can expect it to sting for up to 5 minutes, but it’s often worth it when considering the healing benefits.
Lastly, yes, it is typical for minor hemorrhoids to disappear on their own after a couple weeks. HOWEVER, leaving hemorrhoids untreated can also often aggravate them and cause an increase in size, pain, and irritation.
I also know just how frustrating and often embarrassing it can be to visit a doctor for such a personal issue. Therefore, seeking an at home remedy is often one’s preference. In addition to witch hazel, there are many other herbal and natural treatment methods out there. For more info, please visit
http://www.hemhero.com, where you will find complete at-home herbal recipes, dietary changes, and simple breathing exercises that can cure your hemorrhoids, and keep them from coming back.
I hope this was helpful for you, and all the best in your recovery!