I really enjoyed reading about your friends first MC.
I was so amazed that her detox symptoms were right on cue with another article I read at the web page listed below.
It helps one to be more confident about what to expect...especially on Days 8 to Day 15.... It says that old injuries may become irrated and painful. This is exactly what has happened to this woman. It helps to know what to expect.
Then after about the 16th day she started to feel better right on cue again. It's like going through a storm and knowing it is going to get better in a few more days. So it's good to know that one has to just "tough it out."
I am so grateful for Curezone for offering this information. My neice did this for same amount of time and lost 20 lbs and she feels and looks great. And some of the medical problems she had developed began to disappear. "And" she plans on doing it again sometime early in the New Year.
I plan on starting my Master Cleanse tomorrow.
Happy New Year Everyone!