Two things that are absolute musts if you have a tumor in your head are castor oil packs and hot and cold showers on your head. Can't emphasize those too enough.
Regarding the castor oil packs, I'm not sure anyone has the exact knowledge of how the castor oil decongests and 'heals', but it sure does. Doing castor oil packs alone on my liver has been enough to push me through gall bladder attacks, and it was absolutely key for flushing and healing my liver 3-4 years ago when I was restoring it.
Second, the hot and cold showers on the head area. Absolutely essential. Schulze talks about 'hot and cold' being the MOST powerful therapy he utilized in his clinic. If you can't get blood flow to the affected area, you it doesn't matter how much juice or superfood or how many herbs you take.. it won't get to that broken part and heal it.
So if I were you, I would continue working on the colon and make sure it's working well and you are well cleaned out.. and that can take months of diligent work.... Increasing your IF2 amount to 1 TABLESPOON 5x per day can really be a difference maker when you think you are clean, only to realize that the extra dosage is getting even deeper.
So.. cleanse the colon, work on that liver with castor oil packs and reflexology... flush it... cleanse and restore your kidneys.. and make sure you're drinking ample fresh juices and superfood... and hit that head with castor oil packs, hot/cold, and the other fomentations!