Get on and stay on an anti-parsitic every day until the main infestation is gone. Do a liver flush when you need to.
Get on and stay on Schulze's #1 formula or the LBB every day. Add the #2 formula when appropriate for 30 days at a time. UNTIL your colon is cleaned out. The colon junk is what is laid down in layers, not the bugs.
The body cleans itself out through the ORDER of CLEANSING, not layers. Colon, liver, blood, lymph and tissues. It's the 2 plumbing issues that are the worst problem--colon and liver. Get those cleaned out so the lymphatic system can dump. do some kind of detox tea like Schulze's to get the Blood cleaned out all the time. The body heals from the inside out and the top down.
After your whole body is cleaned out, do maintenance. Learn this and do it, b/c it's The Basics.
How long will it take you? Nobody knows. 18 months is not a long time at all to be at this.
Stick with it until you're cleaned out, if you don't want problems.