Hi everybody this my first time posting and am looking for some information from you cool cats. And a little help to be honest. . .I came across The RAW MILK DIET,
And honestly need help and a place to heal...been looking for a pasture fed Guernsey cow. a.k.a a2 milk. I am 25 years old. And am looking to do this for atleast 30 days...if not 40. I live in the U.S. But I am a lil bit dedicated to seeing this through and have been trying for last year, to no stinking avail. Zilch. And I have been favored in Grace as of recently and was wondering surely there is someone out there that could help me out here I feel like I am batting a thousand. But hey fortune favors the bold, right? umm..ya so if anyone out there is curious to see the results of a 30 day raw milk diet a2. PLEASE somehow contact me. Or even better if you own a raw cow and would be able to provide help. I kiss you!! haha jk but for real. I really feel this is next in this journey. And I feel someone is going to respond, as in please pass go and collect 200. I would be attempting to do it as laid out in the 1900's. Full rest preferably outdoors. With a hotbath every day to release fear and absorb peace and stillness(much needed!). Especially exciting to see what happens b.c. it is full nutrition and glutathione antioxidant. ORRR... if someone is interested in the study and down to sponsor me, I will update you on results. B.c. in the next state is a known source of Guernsey Milk. BUT really I would favor a helping hand b.c. I am on the brink. When I am well I could help in return somehow or idk. Well do start a discussion, get to know me! Or to see what is going on. kk EAT, LOVE, PRAY. I am determined to heal!! Hear me rawr!