Im taking
Lugol Iodine for atleast 3 weeks - 1 month.
And recently ive discovered i got a little bit oh hypothireoidism.
Soo im taking 10 drops of
Lugol 5% at morning, and 5 drops at 6:00 pm...
The only thing is that when i take the drops of
Lugol in a full glass of water, my stomatch get upset, really irritated, and i feel kinda dizzy for some minutes, than it pass and i feel ok...
Im kinda worried that the
Lugol's pursed the top rubber of my eyedrop, and im worried that i would have some plastic/rubber toxin over my
Lugol's bottle...(ive read that there is not problem with that,but dunno...)
Because i barely remember if a had those stomach pains in the begnning, and i guess i didn't
any tips?