Its just an amazing world a person can open up when you get into
Histamine Intolerance . Wow! I coached one gentleman retired, force-ably due to many sicknesses. His wife (naturopath) said he had spent over $500,000 in cash over the last 10 years prior to meeting them. He had been sick, nauseous, anxious, ect., everyday for years. We started him on a
Histamine Intolerance protocol and within two days he was completely symptom free. I sell nothing and did this charitably, so its purely about fact. It is just amazing like so many things less understood. Between the alkali/acid, anti-fungal and
Histamine Intolerance diets along with toxins and deficiencies in general, I haven't met much that couldn't be remedied rather quickly even in dire cases. God and nature are good.