Do you think it a stretch to even consider ISIS a creation of the Mossad/CIA?
Cui bono?
Hegelian dialectic
problem - horrifying brutality, youtube beheadings
reaction - shock and indignation, from such as yourself
solution - First let them continue to destabilize the middle east killing off as many of each other in the process and allow them to create more failed states surrounding Israel. This both protects the petro-dollar and ensures the dream of creating Greater Israel which has long been in the planning.
Muslims hate ISIS and have widely spoken out against it. Self destruction is not a viable motivation.
Again, Cui bono?
The underlying issue is the fear of losing our American petro-dollar tax on the rest of the world which would devastate our standard of living which is the REAL push behind Christian Zionism.
Demonized brown people having to die is no reason for lack of sleep in the comfort of our American homes.
Is it really indignation or just greed?