If anyone is familiar with Dr. Klinghardt's "Rizol" remedies, I'm considering trying to make my own, with a Longevity ozone gen. Basically they are a base of ozonated olive/castor oils with various other anti-microbial oils added. They seem to make them via high voltage electrolysis to produce the ozonation, rather than a conventional ozone generator. In the description they do mention that care is taken to avoid producing oxidatively damaging the essential oils which makes sense. I wonder if there is any way that this could be done without degrading the essential oils significantly? The effects of HV electrolysis process on olive oil really should be able to be re-created with an ozone gen, should be just about rate of ozonation (???). I have considered making the (partially) ozonated oil base, and adding the essential oils, then putting the mix into an ultrasonic device to do a "liposphereic" process on them? Finally, I could just mix the essential oils into the ozonated base and call it good, similar to the lyme "silver bullet", which is just essential oils mixed with olive oil. I know were in uncharted territory here, any thoughts greatly appreciated- thanks.