Why Estrogen is a Woman's Friend, Not Her Enemy
by Barbara Minton
See all TBYIL articles by Barbara Minton
(The Best Years in Life) Have you figured out how the medical establishment works? If you have, you will know that it poo-poos just about everything that leads to real long lasting good health, because there is no money to be made when people are healthy. For example, it says all foods are the same and the only thing that matters is calories, meaning that half a cup of Cool Whip is equal in food value to a half cup of blueberries because they both have the same amount of calories. And that's just what it does to steroid hormones too, trying to convince us that our hormones cause disease and are our enemies. So for the record, let's take a good look at these hormones that are supposed to be so bad for us, starting with estrogen. Read More.
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