Today is my first day here on Curezone. Grateful to have found this web site. Especially to see a forum regarding Seb Derm. Just wanted to say thank you for posting your results for everyone here. I just went to an allergist 2 days ago. He noticed that I have Seb Derm; and of course gave me the standard "Ketoconazole cream". ( I have been dealing with Seb Derm, for about 10 years now; and have been given Ketoconazole cream in the past by my old dermetologist. I knew deep dowm in my heart; that using this type of perscription is a "temporary band-aid" and will never cure the real underlining issue. So, again walking out of the allergists office; was really discouraging. He suggested I go to a dermetologist of course; that's a typical response. Hate the idea, of another perscription for a temporary "band aide". After trial and error, and doing my own bit of research over the past 10 years; I completely agree with you that this is a immune issue. Keeping a healthy clean diet is important as well. Iam happy that you found something that actually "works". I have been through a major circus roller coaster ride within the past 2 months with a severe allergic food / and or chemical reaction that landed me in the ER at a hospital twice in 1 day. It's been quite a journey. I'm determined to beat all of this; with a clean organic diet, trying a liver detox method as much as needed, etc. I will see if I can locate "Beta Glucan" this week and give this a try. I hope it can work for me. Honestly, feeling tired and very frustrated from years of dealing with sensitive skin redness and allergies. I want my health back . . . Thank you again for your posts on Beta Glucan; very interesting to read. I appreciate this very much.