I just got to read both of your posts and I am grateful for your openness to examine differences between healing modalities and elaborate on your magnetic science.
In truth, comparing and breaking matters down in this way is a very good method for helping your clients to know more about the healing value of BiomagScience. Sometimes one can see most clearly when there is something else to compare to.
In the spirit of your openness to such a discussion, I submit the questions below:
Question # 1 - When it comes to magnetism and the body, it has always been my understanding that the way magnetic energy benefits the body is by creating tiny electrical currents in the body and it is these electrical currents (electrons) that help the physical form heal. Would you agree with this as the foundational mechanism of how magnetic energy helps heal?
Answer: Well, I would be a bit more specific. The electric currents are created in the cells which generate an increase in the electromotive (voltage) of the cells. The increase in voltage creates an increase in metabolic functionality and therefore with consistent energy supplementation, a direct energetic and rapid progression toward wellness.
Question # 2 - There is a substance called Shilajit extract. Shilajit is known by indigenous people as the destroyer of weakness. Although it is little known, it is available from many well known sources such as Swanson Vitamins. Shilajit extract has many important trace minerals and is a super electrolyte complex and super electron donor. Electrolytes as you know are substances (like salts or acids) that carry an electrical charge.
Dr Tennant recommends the Fulvic acid found in Shilajit extract. If you are familiar with Shilajit extract, I would like your thoughts on this super supplement used in conjunction with your magnetic therapies.
Answer: I am not familiar with it, but as you indicate its response, then it must be a massive donor electron material or as they say in nutrition: has a large volume of antioxidants.
Based on the Electron Theory of Life, we know that a volume of donor electrons in the body keeps it healthy simply by neutralizing the positive charges of toxins, inflammation and free-radical sites. With not enough antioxidants (donor electrons) in the system, inflammation starts in the body as the oxidation of positive charges eat into the healthy tissue.
Tom Levy (MD, JUD) and I discussed this for years and realized that basically all one needed to overcome disease and most health conditions was Bio-Negative Energy and that used with lots of Vitamin C - an inexpensive supply of massive amounts of donor electrons – its healing responses were miracle-like. I have seen this throughout years with numerous conditions such end stage Multiple Myeloma going into remission in 6 weeks.
Assuming Shilajit is another massive electron donor supplement, then it would make sense to use it with Biomagnetism to amplify and help remediate and resolve the issues much more rapidly.
Further Question: More specifically, about how the electrolytes from this supplement can possibly help carry electrical charges, created by your magnetic therapy, and distribute said charges throughout the body, like tiny batteries, providing healing electrons everywhere. Could consumption of electrolytes be the missing link in helping individuals to amplify the results of their magnetic therapy?
Answer: One of the issues of low level electrolytes is that the cells can get stuck so they do not have the energy to pull the electrolytes into the cell to naturally increase their voltage/energy level for healing.
We have several cases on our BiomagScience.Net site [under the clinical voltage testing research] where the individuals were bedridden for 15 and 25 years because their cells were stuck and nothing allopathic or alternative helped including Nikken’s useless magnetic therapy or any current PEMF at that time (2005).
Nothing could raise the cellular energy enough to provide the energy to absorb enough electrolytes to create more energy to get better– a Catch 22 model – not enough energy to produce enough energy.
The cells were so stuck at such a low electromotive vitality that supplements would shock their system with a herx reaction.
Once we started to properly and slowly increase their cellular voltage levels, the cells were able to absorb enough electrolytes that their voltage and functionality started to go up normally with the individuals becoming healthy again.
It always intrigues us – a great story - the woman who was in bed for 25 years with stuck cells was playing competitive tennis a year later after our initial therapy and is a close friend of the company.
So it is not just the measure of electrolytes in the blood, but the cellular ability to functionally use the electrolytes in order to elevate the electromotive vitality to reach a level of health. However, in no small terms, electrolytes are an extremely important part of metabolism and without them, good health cannot be achieved because proper electrical communication cannot be achieved in the cells and tissue.
As indicated, it is just important to note that certain health conditions of just increasing the supplementation can be dangerous when the cells are stuck.
However, it is impossible for all micro and macro communication in the body to perform without the proper electrolyte levels.
Question #3 - Referring to the acupuncture system, Tennant states that the body is able to carry energy to its various parts by means of the acupuncture meridians. Each organ of the body has a different range of frequencies, so certain frequencies are better at getting energy to those parts of the body.
Dr Tennant has a video on You Tube where he descries how by placing his Biomodulator on specific areas of his wrist (acupuncture points) he can affect far off organs / areas of the body, such as the heart, lungs and the like.
Can something like this be accomplished with BiomagScience magnets? If affirmative, how?
Answer: Why complicate matters when we can systemically charge the entire body (required for rapid balanced supportive healing) so that therapy on specific site issues (organs, glands, nerve, hard and soft tissue) will be supported by the whole system.
At BiomagScience, we have simplified the complications of acupuncture and separate organ stimulation with simple advanced circuits that have shown to outperform single target sites through adjunct energy reflex points.
Frankly, I haven’t heard about any other energy medicine that has accomplished what we have with regeneration of bone mass, nerve separation, tissue or bringing people out of comas or end stage this or that.. And all this inexpensively in the comfort of your own home. Of course some of our practitioners do it in their offices.
Questions #4 - As an adjunct to the question above, I think it would be helpful to know how the magnetic energy from your magnets travels. For example, in one of his You Tube videos, I believe Tennant mentioned that the energy from his Biomudulator travels via the connective tissue of the body. Using the connective tissue fibers (fascia) as a pathway or track upon which the Biomodulator energy travels to a specific location. Can you help us know how the energy of your magnets travels in the body and by what mechanism?
Answer: One only has to look at Rieki, Polarity, Reflexology and finally physiology to explain how the energy channels throughout the body and the cells and how it works biochemically.
Understanding the amplification of the energy values and how they travel are dependent on what therapy is being used. The OGE (Organ Group Energizing) therapy is used to elevate the vitality of the primary organs uniformly (all at once) so they can respond in an energetic normally balanced sympathetic reaction with all their production values working at a proper level.
Following the energy flows as shown in Rieki indicates how the Meridian Energizing Therapy works as a it elevates all the ascending and descending energy pathways; physiology also does a good job. Using that material and coalescing it with electromotive potentials also explains further.
However, it is important that when using energy amplification on the limb meridians, you have to use it in the correct manner. The healing pole or magnetic circuit applied on the wrong meridian polarity is useless and stressful. However, when used correctly, creates miracle like rapid healing. It is a bit too involved to explain further] and that is why I have meridian charts and diagrams in my book “Conquering Pain, the Art of healing with Biomagnetism” to explain how the application and energy modalities work.
Question #5 - As for dental work such as root canals,
Amalgam fillings and crowns – Tennant explains how dental work such as root canals,
Amalgam fillings and crowns can be the equivalent to holes in a bucket when it comes to RETAINING electrons once you have added them to your body. So, it’s not just about adding electrons into the body but KEEPING them once you have added them, so that they can help a body heal.
Although I am not 100% sure about this, I think he recommends removal of the root canals, or at least considering it if all else has been attempted to heal and there is still not enough regeneration. I personally think removal of
root canals is a bit extreme. I mean, maybe if you only had one
root canal or crown ….. but I know people who have an entire mouth full of
root canals and or crowns.
Does BiomagScience has any alternatives other than removal of said dental work. If affirmative, please elaborate.
Answer: Fortunately Hal Huggins was a friend and colleague along with Tom Levy. They both authored the books that introduced all the material on
Amalgams and
root canals and subsequently Hal paid a big penalty – lost his license. Tom went back to school between performing heart surgeries and got his JD and eventually got Hal’s license back. Brothers from the Tesla society.
Tennant is right.
Amalgams can generate 5000-7000 times the voltage of the surrounding tissue which can weaken and deteriorate the cells and applicable tissue including the facial nerves & muscles and the brain CVS and stem causing terrible conditions.
Root canals can be Super Toxic sites that neutralize and drain all the donor electrons the body needs for health and have shown to cause major illness.
We have worked with people with these problems who did not have the money to get the
Amalgams out. Our Power Wafers used on the back of the neck helped re-energize the weak cellular tissue including the myelin and arachnoid sheathing that was deteriorating and causing dysfunction. using Power Wafers Bio-negative Energy (healing energy) is an excellent bandaide and/or reasonable financial solution for this issue if one cannot afford to remove the amalgams.
Others have used the Biomagnetism with massive Vitamin C and Power Wafers on the cheek to successfully help overcome the super infection of an infected root canal. Although a temporary fix, it supported normalization until the canals could be cleaned and disinfected.
Question #6 - There is also mention of
Water Ionizer systems which are used to add electrons to water for greater infusion of electrons into the body system to increase healing and to increase the alkaline pH values of the water consumed.
I don’t know how familiar you are with the many
Water Ionizer systems on the market today but I do know that you offer your blue Water Jar Magnets. Can you give us an idea of what your blue Water Jar Magnets offer in the way of alkalinity / pH and electron donor status?
Do your blue Water Jar Magnets infuse electrons into the water? Does the water magnetized by your Water Jar magnets in essence become an electron donor? If affirmative, are we raising cellular voltage (Cell Zeta potential) via electron donation when we drink Water Jar Magnets energized water?
Answer: The water energizer energizes the electrons of the water molecules with the same charge (repulsion) and therefore it breaks up the natural molecular clusters (associations) into micro-clusters and a multitude of single (monomolecular) water molecules.
The large reduction in the size of the normal clusters into single water molecules increases the transfer ability into and out of the cells.
This increases the cellular transport efficiency values of increased cellular nutrition, oxygenation and detoxification which supports increased functionality and health – the major benefit.
In addition, the energizing and de-clustering of the water provides additional natural separation of the molecules for an increased hydrogen ion supplementation to help resolve an often hypo-hydrogen terrain and its subsequent hypo-active glands and organs.
Increasing the hydrogen ion supplementation through energized water has shown to increase overall health which has been studied around the world.
The Water Jar Energizers provide a healthy energized water similar to that found in Lourdes France or Hunza Pakistan. These Water Energizers are a simple, inexpensive and effective manner of conditioning your water for better health.
Another of Bio-Negative energized water’s key benefits is it also provides a supplementation of Bio-Negative electromotive charges (potential) which are transferred into the blood and tissue providing increased cellular voltage and subsequent increased functionality as it elevates the cellular electromotive vitality and Zeta potential of the RBCs (red blood cells) which pass this energy onto the tissue throughout the body.
The increased Zeta potential of the RBCs from the water helps maintain separation helping overcome the dangers of the clustered RBCs Rouleau pattern that causes poor nutrition, health, heart attacks and strokes.
The Bio-Negative energy is the energy that donor electrons produce to overcome the positive charges of toxins, inflammation and free-radical sites; the use of proper Biomagnetic therapy creates a full terrain of Bio-Negative electromotive energy which supports good health by constant resolution and proper maintenance of these naturally occurring conditions.
Question #7: Whenever I read or hear about SCENAR devices or Dr Tennant’s Biomodulator, I hear about frequencies. Per Tennant, he has taken the frequencies discovered by practitioners of SCENAR and improved upon them so that these frequencies help the electrons from the Biomodulator be accepted and absorbed by specific organs more readily.
Another way of saying it might be that his Biomodulator helps make the electrons more bioavaliable to the specific parts of the body being sent the energy. Each organ of the body has a different range of frequencies, so certain frequencies are better at getting energy to those parts of the body.
You mentioned that your magnets provide frequencies of some sort. Are they frequencies such as those I wrote about above or something else? Can you elaborate on this?
Answer: Again, we are discussing the complications of suggesting isolated therapy only on parts of the body without viewing the body as an entire cohesive system of parts energetically working together in sympathetic harmony.
This is why the therapies we suggest have been able to bring people out of terminating comas whereas the singular organ therapy you question cannot.
At this time, I am not particularly interested in the frequencies of single organs as we have gone beyond that. Our findings indicate that raising the entire system energetically in conjunction with elevating the energy required of a particular site (i.e. pancreatitis, hypo-active liver, etc), provides much greater support, response and resolution.
Certainly it is realized that there are many frequencies to everything including organs, pathogens, toroidal vortexes, aluminum, heart tissue, you name it. But often it doesn’t do any good to fix the organ when the rest of the body is not biochemically able going to support the issue.
Using the electromotive energy from a strong magnetic field of the proper polarity (generally Bio-Negative) will generate cellular energy in the tissue albeit soft, hard, connective, organ or gland.
Regardless of the frequency this tissue operates at, the electromotive energy from the magnets will increase the cellular voltage and generate functionality and what has been shown numerous times - faster than the singular frequency of that tissue – probably because the energy from the magnets produces a much greater increase in cellular voltage than the single frequency can.
When elevated systemically, healing is pronounced and rapid in many conditions that heretofore showed no or a very slow reaction to single frequency energetic healing.
I have to say that PEMF on the brain is an area that I have been able to touch upon with solid state magnets, but so far cannot replicate some of the newer responses that TMS (Transcranial magnetic stimulation) has shown.
There are a number of neurological issues that our BRT (Brain Re-Entrainment Therapy) has shown to help resolve such as Post Stroke, reducing ALS symptoms, or helping resolve long term clinical pathology – however, we have only skimmed the surface of understanding what solid state circuit therapies can provide for the brain.
In closing, we are very positive advocate of learning everything about the frequencies and modalities of all energy medicine. As much research as is available, learning about the energy fields and various schools of energy medicine has played the most important part in understanding and progressing BiomagScience and what we have been able to achieve in supportive advanced healing techniques.
We are very pleased at this time to be able to offer therapies that will help resolve the majority of conditions and again, can be done in the comfort of your home and in your own good time.
All the best,
Peter, BiomagScience.Net
With gratitude - Andrew