The stool tests are typically the most sensitive and the blood tests the least sensitive. That being said, I've had people test negative on the stool tests and positive on the blood tests. Regardless of the tests, after doing the Candida Plan, all test results have come back negative.
Testing can only serve as an indicator, not proof one way or the other. A blood test is most accurate for the blood. A stool test is most accurate for the lower large intestine. A urine test is most accurate for the urinary tract. Even direct cultures of tissues can be inaccurate. The bottom line with most tests available in the medical world these days, is that they can only serve as an indication.
Stool tests are the most expensive and blood tests the least expensive.
The best approach is to do 2 or 3 test combinations, along with signs and symptoms, history of antibiotic use, and any results from following an anti-candida diet.