Anybody had any experience with the Photon Genius? Or the Photon genie? I don't know how scientific or effective it is, or how it would even work.
I know me too. I'm thinking it is very strange. Apparently they cost $25k. They have neon bulbs, and they call it "Noble Gas" that actually our cells need that comes into our cells from the treatment. So far, not much scientific explanation on how it works.
Thanks for chiming in.
Right on jaguar57, that sounds like a very healing thing to me too:)
Yes, it's good to get back to the basics sometimes. Swimming in clean ocean water is also great for reducing inflammation, getting mineralized, losening back muscles, spinal issues and grounding.
I used to live in the Caribbean in my 20's and I had just started to have back and neck pain, this was the start of my mystery illnesses. They didn't have a reliable chiropractor on the island then so I would head out to the beach and swim in the surf for about 30 mins. Worked like a charm. Pain would vanish, tightness would go, I could move my neck again.
I love the ocean:) No machine will ever replace nature, that's for sure.