I did three rounds by three practitioners - no real help there. I now treat myself using a low level laser pen and a 'cookbook' - get much better results and save $! I learned to find the points that are in pain so when sore these are the channels that need attention.
Acupuncture has many different streams of thought and each practitioner will think differently. With adrenal fatigue the origins can be quite different, for instance the liver meridian is often affected, adrenals may be connected to the kidney meridian.
Find some cookbooks or visit some of the popular sites and read up on things. PC6 is a great point for anxiety. Trial and error is the best teacher afterall this is what most practitioners do anyhow.
The best thing for af is nutrients and staying away from inflammatory conditions (inflammatory people, situations, foods and stop reading the news :)
Root causes of af are nutritional deficiencies, stressors such as emotional/mental, toxins and infection in the body.