Putting Measles Mania into Proper Perspective
by Tony Isaacs
As of the writing of this article we have had 155 cases of measles in the United States out of a total population of 320 million people, so naturally it is time to panic and mandate vaccinations for one and all! Yes folks, the next great health scare is here and the mainstream media and public officials left and right are awash with hysteria over the so-called “measles outbreak”. Now folks, let’s try putting the measles mania into the proper perspective.
Everywhere you look you find such hysteria and strident condemnations of parents who choose not to vaccinate. Public figures and talking heads on both the left and the right are calling loudly for such measures as mandatory vaccinations nationwide and prohibitions against unvaccinated students attending schools. One would think that we are facing a danger as bad as or worse than the most recent great scare – Ebola.
Before you fall prey to such hype and hysteria it is time to put measles mania in perspective.
Measles by the Numbers
First of all, unlike Ebola – which can have a fatality rate as high as 50 per cent or more – measles have steadily become less virulent and today only about 1 in 1000 measles infections results in death. That means that the present “outbreak” would have to grow over 6 times as large before the odds are that there would be a single death.
About 155 cases of measles nationwide in a population of 320 Million people works out to odds of less than 1 in 2 million of catching measles. Of course those odds would be higher in areas where measles are present, but still very long odds and the odds would be virtually zero where there are no measles.
Do you really want to subject your child or yourself to the neurotoxins, mutagens, live viruses and other vile ingredients in vaccines for a less than 1 in 2 Million chance of exposure? Because the undeniable fact is that vaccines are dangerous. They can cause permanent damage and they can be fatal.