you did not answer my very specific question. how many of you who are posting the RULES of christianity have studied at an accredited school of theology?
i am familiar with the prophesizing in the old testament, though i am not a scholar nor do i pretend to be. i want to know how many people posting the RULES of christianity actually have any education on the subject. very simple question.
the reason that i ask is that i am reading a great deal of dogma and not one post has contained any "i" language. for example "i do this in order to attempt to be a better follower of the word." all i am reading is a bunch of perceptions and interpretations and i am very curious to know where those perceptions and interpretations were formed.
it is not vanity to speak in terms of oneself. and you still have not answered my very, very specific question. at what accredited institution did you study theology? you and everyone else posting on this forum? where did you study?
WHY IS THAT QUESTION SO DIFFICULT TO ANSWER?! !?! yes you can quote chapter and verse but where did you learn your perceptions and interpretations.
anyone? anyone want to post where they went to theologian training? anyone?
what is being posted are regurgitations of information and not a single discussion about what each of you does to fulfill what being a christian really means. "Do this" and 'do that' and all of this business about how everyone had better be saved.. what does that even MEAN?? on a theological plain? not YOUR interpretation or regurgitation but on a personal experience.
i am not asking for personal information. i simply asked if anyone had attended an accredited school of theology. i APOLOGIZE if my responses asked "where.'
IF there are trained theologians posting on this forum, it would offer some insight into their comments,.
so you haven not undertaken any theological training? then say it. to gloss over that fact is prideful. i am NOT trained in theology but i have taken numerous classes in global religions and i feel very comfortable in my belief that jesus did not intend for christianity to become what it did over the past 2000 years.
we have rome to thank for the lucifer mess. a translation from the Hebrew into latin used in an english translation as a proper noun.