All great advice in that video. However he missed a major cause of health problems as we grow older.
Nitric Oxide levels in our body begin to plunge by age 30 and by age 40 are down 50%, and by age 60 are down 90%
Nitric Oxide is what keeps our arteries & blood pressure under control. As nitric oxide plunges, our blood vessels lose control adversely affecting all major organs including the brain & genitals.
Read the book, No More Heart Disease by Dr. Ignarro:
He explains easy steps to monitor & control Nitric Oxide using diet, supplements, exercise & saliva test strips.
Article: Nitric Oxide & Alzheimers:
"NO is one of the most important signalling molecules in the body which affects virtually every organ in the body allowing effective communication between cells and providing a wide-array of health benefits. It is a protective molecule that maintains immune, cardiovascular, nervous, kidney, stomach and intestinal, skin and other beneficial effects.
Lack of NO production by endothelial cells due to too much ABP aggregate formation and/or free radical generation only contributes to pathology of AD. Researchers have argued that if the NO production could be assured then AD would be significantly halted in its track.? Animal testing proves it.
For charts and more about Nitric Oxide: