I hope someone can help. I've had normal to dry skin my whole life. It could handle hot, cold, rain, wind, sun and stay the same. No breakouts. Would get a tiny bit dry sometimes and I generally moisturise it daily.
2 months ago I decided to exfoliate it several times over the course of a couple of weeks. It made my skin feel so soft! But then came rough, dry, scaley skin, so I'd have to exfoliate it again. I've never had to exfoliate before I started exfoliating - oh the irony!
I'm desperately trying to restore my old skin. It's been about 2 months since then (think I exfoliated once about a month ago out of desperation) My skin is constantly flaking, scaley, rough, and either severely dry or has a light oil on my nose with the dry flakeyness over it - it looks horrible and I can't stop picking it! I've been slathering on whichever oils (coconut) and moisturisers I can, both natural (calendula) and unnatural (Palmers cocoa butter). Nothing works! They help it look a little better but nothing is stopping this vicious cycle! I never had to care for my skin before... how can I stop this horrible flakey mess?