Hello, normally I'm not the type of person who has a lot of gas in the intestinal tract, but for these past months my stomach has been bloated constantly, and I've been passing gas a lot. At first the gas didn't smell bad-- it was just normal gas with no smell to it, but recently, the gas smelled horrible, like rotten eggs, or anything I ate before (even if I let out a tiny amount of gas, the smell will linger for about a minute or two).
I thought it may have been B.O, but now I'm pretty sure it's my flatulence. Most of the time it would smell like rotten eggs. Also, being bloated usually wasn't painful these past months (although it used to be), because for these past months, the gas just releases on its own. I have no control over it whatsoever (may be because in the past I was able to 'control' or hold in my farts), however nowadays the bloating makes my whole chest and stomach area sore (used to only be lower stomach area). (Please tell me what you think about uncontrollable gas! This problem affected my social life dramatically).
I went to the doctor, and she said I may be constipated, and told me to take laxatives for 2 months straight, but I was unwilling because I didn't want to abuse laxatives. (I'm 14 by the way). I've been going constantly now (although the stool might not exactly be 'perfect,' but I've still got some out), so is it possible that I'm still constipated even if I go everyday? Sometimes it's soft stool, and I have got rid of a lot (sorry for graphics), but most of the time I feel like it was an incomplete bowel movement.
Please give my some advise below about the bloating I'm dealing with, the horrible smelling gas, and whether or not I'm constipated! Thank you in advance!