Strongyloides/morgellon colored fibers explained in the simplest way I can think of. Strongyloides live,FEED and breed in my intestinal tract. Has anyone thought of how many colors are found in the intestines and related organs. I internet searched small intestine model images see link So if they feed in my intestines and are translucent, whatever color they eat, they would be(excellent camouflage). They are also called threadworms in humans for there characteristic cotton like threads/fibers. I have another link demonstrating how a stongyloide can literally split a hair. I would assume they even eat my follicles under the skin explaining legions and craters where hair use to be. This proves to me they can autoinfect in many different parts of the body (disseminated autoinfection). If anyone has gutted an animal like a deer for dinner they would know all the different colors found in the small intestines, gallbladder, and large intestine. The next link will show the coil like skin structure that I believe unwinds after molt giving off the thread like appearance In my skin Both microscopic links mention the word striated body/cuticle. This is there skin that unwinds causing the colored threads when they molt. I believe this is how the thread is seen in and on my skin. In the culture dish at the top of last link notice the large amount of bacteria that was carried by the strongyloides . This would explain the white film on my skin areas when they are autoinfecting. Bacteria was noticed in all my skin biopsies at infective areas before I knew I had strongyloidiasis. I still get the white areas but they are almost gone.Any intelligent questions , thought or discussion I will try to explain what I have(strongyloidiasis) and what I thought I had(morgellons).