I have 2 daughters, both have experienced eczema at some point in time.
The oldest one, almost 3 years old, got it on her chest.
We knew eczema in kids always have dietary component.
She used to drink milk from a baby bottle during the night.
She also used to scratch her chest most during the night and morning.
We decided to eliminate milk (it was pasteurized/homogenized, sold in Greece supermarket).
The first night she got bottle of water, she stopped scratching.
The next day she didn't scratch.
That was the end of her eczema.
Her skin healed completely after a few days, and she was a happy child, no more itching.
In her case it was allergy to milk.
She did not react on cheese or yogurt.
It all happened while we were on holiday in Greece last summer. When we returned home, we re-introduced milk about 2 months since she was cured, and she has not had another reaction. Today she eats all natural foods including milk with no reaction.
That same summer the youngest daughter (1,5) also got eczema. She got it much worse, all over her legs and arms.
In her case elimination of just pasteurized/homogenized milk did not give immediate results, so the next day we took the next step:
we also eliminated:
- wheat
- tomatoes
- nuts
- egs
Of grains, she was still consuming rice and small amount of some rai bread.
That was the end of her eczema.
Eggs were re-introduced after a few days, and as there was no reaction, eggs were back in her diet.
Milk was re-introduced after a few days, and as there was no reaction, milk were back in her diet.
After 2-3 months, we slowly re-introduced wheat, tomatoes, and nuts.
No reaction.
During the last month, she have reacted a few times on berries (strawberries, raspberries), so these are now eliminated.
Other than berries, she can now eat all natural foods.
We do not give to our daughters processed foods like sugar,
preservatives , margarine, etc.
All food is home-made.
So, if you want to cure Eczema or
Seb-Derm in your daughter. you must eliminate junk foods and you must eliminate foods she is allergic to or intolerant of.
You must eliminate all suspects, and if itching stops, stay on the diet for some time, before re-introducing natural foods one at a time.
If any food gives allergic reaction, you eliminate it for several months.
First to eliminate:
- sugar
preservatives and
food additives
- foods with vinegar
- foods with
citric acid
- processed fats like margarine
- milk
- wheat
- tomatoes, potatoes, nightshades
If this doesn't help, the next day you eliminate:
- all berries
- all citric fruits
- eggs
If this doesn't help, the next to think about:
- nickel allergy? (stainless steel is made from chrome-nickel)
- grains allergy? eliminate also rice?
- pollen allergy? eliminate all fruit?
Clean water is the only good drink.
Never EVER treat your child with steroids !!!!!!!!
keep reading on the subject:
Topical creams cure nothing!
Eczema comes from inside!
Good luck, you will need it!