I need to sterilize clippers, etc. because I'm on therapy to remove Hep C. I could possibly re infect myself if there's blood less than 42 days old on clippers or anything else.
I don't have any Silver Hg fillings, I got them all out in 1986.
I have a Colloid Master 777 CS machine.
I've tried all kinds of alternative therapies for Hep C, and the only one that did a noticeable job was BioMagnetic Pair therapy, but I could not get enough sessions to kill it because I needed 1 session per week for several weeks, and it's 6 hour drive from here, or a flight to SF Bay area, and that was not possible for me, so I tried 4 sessions in 4 days and it helped but didn't do the job. Unless anyone can tell of a PROVEN and documented way to eradicate Hep C, and proven people that have done it, I would not take it seriously ever again. I'm 63 and I've seen a lot of claims, and I'm sure some do help, but they do not eradicate Hep C.
Taking oil of oregano seemed to make my Hep C multiply.
My viral load went from 5.4 million to 97 in 2 weeks on Harvoni, so it looks like I'm on the way to clearing it.
So, does home made CS make a good alternative to rubbing alcohol for sterilization of things? I need to sterilize.
I'vbe been putting my Nite Guard mouthpiece in CS during the day. Will that sterilize it, or kill any virii on it?
Thank you.