Another reason to not visit it.
But I found these interesting links, hidden in a link within a link etc. which was at first sight a pro-vaccine site. Aha moment. Possibly a missing link for dr. Wakefield.
"Before 1979, there was no human DNA in vaccines, although there were trace amounts of animal DNA in some. (Injection of animal DNA into humans is not considered dangerous because it cannot cause mutations.) View video clip to the right.
Autism rates in America began to rise in 1980. Sadly, in the late 1980's, the rate of autism increased sharply in the U.S. This year corresponds with added fetal contaminants in (2), (3), and (4) below. Predictably but also sadly, the third changepoint or increase in autism in America occurred in 1995, the year the vaccine for chickenpox, Varivax, was introduced into the U.S."
("The Varivax vaccine for chickenpox came on the market in the U.S. in 1995. It is heavily contaminated with human DNA: It contains more DNA than virus.")!changepoints/c1yz6
"There is a very fascinating study in the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Norway: Coverage for MMR dropped for a few years starting in 1998 because parents were alarmed by the Wakefield report. The autism rate dropped correspondingly during the same time period! Sadly, after thimerosal was removed from vaccines in those countries, vaccine coverage has risen and autism has continued to rise. The following links show very interesting graphs of the overlapped, correlating bell-shaped curve of MMR coverage and autism declining and rising again."
"Changepoint statistic is based on birth year of the child, not time of diagnosis, so the changepoint can potentially be before the introduction of the DNA-contaminated vaccine. (Example: Vaccinating a 1-year-old in 1981 would give an autism statistic for 1980 birth year, with the actual diagnosis made in 1982 or later.) The changepoint can be delayed if clinics and pharmacies have a supply of an older vaccine which they used up before starting on the new vaccine. In the graphs on the link above, the rate of autism was at a lower rate of increase before the changepoint, and a higher rate of increase after the changepoint.
**When Andrew Wakefield’s study was published in the U.K. in 1999, proposing a possible correlation of the MMRII with autism because of mercury-laden Thimerosal, many parents declined getting their child vaccinated w/MMRII for a few years. During this time the rate of autism dropped in proportion to the decrease in children receiving MMRII. Thimerosal was removed from the MMRII in the U.K. in 2000 and parents resumed having their children vaccinated, yet sadly, after 2000 the rate of autism in the U.K. has continued to rise. The version of MMRII administered in the U.S. has never contained Thimerosal."