It's an interesting interpretation, though there are many points that are unclear in just this one video. I have heard other interpretations that seem to make sense that are completely different, but there are a couple things here that really do seem to fit; still doesn't mean it is the correct interpretation.
This video and some of your other posts seem to implicate Islam as the source of all evil that is coming forth in the world today, but if you look at the recent history of events, the forces that have been the real instrument of evil in the past 100 years have been the United States and it's European allies. They are the ones that have been manipulating countries, keeping poor countries poor and exploiting cheap labor, killing millions in wars that benefit their own interests. These are all Western exploits committed by countries with mainly Christian populations. Of course it is not the actual Christians that are committing these atrocities (or if they are proclaiming themselves as Christians, they are false Christians), but at the same time, many Christians have become complicit and we are the ones that have allowed our government to cover our eyes to what is really going on.
My point is that it is not any one religion that has caused the evil situation, in which the world exists today. If we lived in the times that Christians were out slaughtering all those who didn't believe in their religion, we would certainly think the Christian church was pure evil. But it is not the religions but the evil of man that pervades all religions including Christianity.
At the same time, is it any wonder that we are in this terrible situation right now? We are living in the time that Satan is loosed upon the world, that means all of Satan's minions are living in this world right now. That is why we are in such a terrible situation, not because of any one particular religious group. Personally, I do think that the whole world is in for some serious hard times very soon. The best thing we can do is to prepare ourselves, forge our hearts in the light of Christ so that we are prepared for the hard times that are soon coming.