Here are my symptoms . Does anyone think this sounds like scabies? Five doctors are adamant it's not. I have been given fucidin and aveeno cream and it doesn't help. Here are my symptoms which I have had for three years and noone else seems to be,infected.
Small brown spots that look like freckles.
Larger red spots that scab over.
Hair and eyelash loss.
Itching crawling sensation.
No sexual drive whatsoever.
Biting stinging sensation.
Complete loss of,all sensation in genital area.
Numbness in skun and scalp.
reased urine,output, and urine dark
My two,daughters live with me ans they don't report,any symptoms although I am sure Lucy has some brown spots, but she says they ate just freckles. Mandy has eczema that seems to have flared in last three years, again the doctors say,there is no sign of sscabies.