Please since noone,has replied to mt,previous posts I am posting a new one. I am so,desperate for advice. Want to know ic this sounds like scabies or could if possibly be something,else? U have small,brown spots that look like,freckles all over bidy.,I,itch, but my,skun seems,to be going numb, as rugs has been,going on for,three years.I have,res spots,that scab
ch over, worse,on my,face. I am losing my hair and my,eyelashes.I have gone compLately numb in my,genital,area and also my pubic hair is falling our. I have a much,decreased urin e output and my fingernails ans toenails are very,thick. This,has,gone,on,for three yearkeep
s and doctors keep saying it's nothing,to,worry about. I'm female, 49, and live with my two,daughters, who,dont seem to,think,there,is,a problem, although,one,seems to be developing bro spots but she,insists,they are just freckles, the,other,has rreally bad ezemail
that seems,to have flared up in last three years, so it,could be relawhats goungted to