One possible explanation is that your body may be having difficulty regulating itself in a way that would work best for being active and engaging with the world. Due to traumas in your life, your body is having difficulty sorting out neurological impulses. Overall, HCL levels are probably being suppressed by the vagus nerve continually. Most of that may be taking place in the beginning part of the small intestine, called the duodenum. Taking HCL becomes difficult because the HCL stimulates parts of the vagus in the duodenum, and sympathetic stress responses in the body. Too much Candida Force may also create the same effect as HCL, as the acidity of the Candida Force may be stimulating the same receptors in the duodenum. These reflexes could also cause blood sugar imbalances through stimulation of different insulin pathways. The same stimulation of the vagus slows the movement of food through the intestinal tract. Of course, all of this takes place while you may be having a normal day-to-day experience with no relationship to any triggers that you can identify. It's primarily neurological and based on trauma, stress, and tension stored in the body. This information doesn't make it to a conscious level, as it's all under the control of the brain stem, where the neurons for the vagus nerve reside.
The quickest way out of this that I can currently see is to do exercises that release trauma, stress, and tension from the body. It's something that you can practice daily and will impact your physiology, outlook, and general overall state of relaxation. How long before it affects stomach HCL levels, is unknown, but it does work, so getting started on it now will get you further down the road than not doing it, otherwise you could be looking at being in the same place a year from now without any progress. Eventually, the resiliency of the body begins to decline, which I think you're seeing some signs of periodically. Decreased resiliency means that it becomes harder and harder to bounce back from physical, mental, and emotional challenges.