Hi Archus, how are you? I don't see many of the old-timers around. Vidda, and others...
well, I haven't done this cleanse yet, so I can only speculate. However, I did try the 16
ounces of prune juice-I LIKE prune juice, I like prunes, all things plum. but that was a lot. And it seems to me that the body treats the juice rather like a poison, in that it wants to get rid of it.
I mean, let's recall that the tiny glasses of restaurant or hospital juice are -just that - tiny. So I'd say on the whole, this is a super-cleanse. If you took apple juice, say, as the juice of choice, you'd have malic acid softening gallstones... all sorts of good things going on. Grape, you can google that -- it's a great ancer cancer cleanser, carrot juice, well, general cleansing and building eyes...
Olive oil, good for liver/gb. and the GI tract on the whole. Water, the universal solvent and you'd in in really good shape I imagine to go full swing into a water fast. I'm sure it works with chronobiology too, (eating "on time", which is not what people think, but a bit more intuitively-sensible...connected to the organs/systems and reflexes, etc. ) Juices are pretty heavy-duty cleansing, alkalizing, so transitioning to the plain water only, for many people would likely be quite welcome.
I'm going to try this, as it's written, one of these days, soon. You could look at Dr. Christopher's works for more explanation, or subscribe to the newsletter, Herbal Legacy, from which I got the recipe.
take care, all the best,