I suggest that you get your thyroid tested ASAP! You'll want to include Free T3.
I also suggest that you get a sex/adrenal hormone panel.
Cruciferous vegetables contain thiol (SH) groups. For example this is the cysteine molecule with its one SH group.
Lipoic acid (DHLA) has two SH groups positioned to grab mercury (Hg) and move it around in the body.
Moving mercury around will help to get rid of some of it, but depending on how you do it, it can also increase the risk of moving Hg into more vulnerable organs such as the brain.
Andrew Cutler, PhD, an author and heavy metal detox consultant, explains the ramifications for the mice in the Gregus study that received inorganic Hg and lipoic acid. The treated mice excreted more Hg but also ended up with *more* Hg in the brain and organs!
This is why Cutler's detox protocol is careful to reduce body burden of Hg without increasing odds that more Hg will end up in vulnerable organs. There is a Cutler detox support group in Curezone and big ones at Yahoo.
coffee enemas are well regarded for some medical problems such as cancer, it can be problematic for some people. Cutler discourages people with an Hg problem from using them.
If your reaction is from kicking up Hg with the thiols/SH groups in the cruciferous vegetables, it suggests that you have a heavy metal problem.
If this is the case I'd expect that your brain felt "foggy" as well. You'd probably become less stress tolerant. Sometimes this is seen as a full blown anxiety problem, for others they get irritated and "difficult" in times of stress. The latter is my experience. A close friend has more of the former problem. We both have responded to HM detox--Cutler.
The reason to get Free T3 checked as well is because the body needs selenium to convert T4 to T3. Hg and some ofhter heavy metals (HMs) bind well with Se.
While this protects the body somewhat from the HMs it will likely leave you with less thanoptimal levels of useful Se for protecting the thyroid, making T3, etc. There is more on that here.
You may want to take extra antioxidants at this time, including Vitamin C which is supposedly quite important to adrenals and Vitamin E.
Much more could be said. Good luck.