Hi Dr Bailey and humaworm,
After I lived in South East Asia I developed a large swollen abdomen which keeps growing, and started to get very constipated, with head fuzz and lots of depression and anxiety as well as a huge lack of energy. I also took 3 or 4 courses of antibiotics over a short period of time. After changing my diet to a candida diet it helped a little, but there was no change in the abdominal swelling. I have also been through lots of blood tests, all of which came out normal, as well as lots of stool tests which came out normal- although I am aware that this does not discount parasitic infection.
I am on my last day of humaworm, and have become very worried. The product has been working, as I have been passing lots of tapeworm segments and other unrecogisable things and have had pretty bad die off towards the end. I read today about 'ascites' caused by parasites, and how it can be very dangerous as infection can happen to the liquid in a swollen stomach randomly. Until now I hadn't comnsidered my distended abdomen life threatening, but now I'm very worried about what might happen. I really want to get better with herbal products only, but if the condition shows a serious parasitic infection and can cause complications, I'm wondering if I should treat it quickly with drugs. Do you think this is the safest option for me, or do you think that it will get better if i do another couple of rounds of humaworm and supplementing with garlic and other anti-parasitics? Have you seen other patients with a similar swollen stomach, and have they had any complications or have they managed to recover from it with humaworm?
Any advice from humaworm or anybody would be much appreciated as I am very worried.