my life was beautiful all perfect
Antibiotics for two months ...... the mistake that ruined my life
1) Could you tell me about other approaches that you've tried in the past to eliminate your candida? Any other approaches that you've tried that I should know about?
Garlic not worked
oregano not worked
coloidadl silver not worked
undecenoic acid worked little
fecal transfer worked little
mms poison is bad to lie mistake internet
probiotics 30,000 usd worked little
Nystatin enema yes worked
cooked fish and vegetable yes worked
2) What is your current diet regime? vegetables and fish
3) What are your triggers? What causes your candida symptoms worse To Become? fruits, sugar, milk, fermented (all echo at home), nuts, rice, wheat, corn, beans, potatoes
4) If You Were reliable REMAIN candida free with great skin, what That would mean for you? How would it improve increase your life?
I want to eat everything
5) What is holding you back? What is keeping you from solving this problem for good? eat only vegetables and fish saddens me
want to kill myself
this life eating vegetables and fish
I am very thin
i exist but not live
Antibiotics = candida