Hello everyone
I suffer from IBS-C and have a septated gallbladder. I'm a nutritionist and fitness trainer, so I'm active and eat very healthy. However, these two conditions are ruining my life. I do daily enemas because I can't go without them. Every time I eat, I get extremely bloated.
I've tried every diet and cure available - high fiber, low fiber, magnesium,
Epsom Salts , medications, green tea, psyllium, lepicol, etc. I'm feeling terrible - if I have a busy day or have to leave home for several hours, I simply don't eat because I don't know how my body will react to food. I'm lucky because I work from home, but I still can't have a normal life.
I can't have a relationship or live with someone else because I'm ashamed of having daily enemas for constipation. No one knows about this. I'm not sure anyone would understand. I've been to several doctors, but they've told me the same old things: you have IBS, eat more fiber and watch your diet. Fiber actually makes things worse in my case. The gallblader problem is killing me.
How can I break the enema habit? About a year ago I was still able to go without an enema, but now I can't do it anymore. I'm 25 years old, have a clean diet, and a healthy lifestyle, but these problems have turned my life into a nightmare. I simply want my life back...