My parents found black mold in their double wide home. They had a specialist come in and confirm there was a section of BM in the wall in the bathroom and then again in the pink insulation in the roof. My dad has since removed the walls in the bathroom and saw the mold was just in that one area. He has also removed the pink insulation in the one spot of ceiling that was found. Before this my mom had been diagnosed with Early onset Alzheimer's. We were unsure of this diagnosis hence us looking into black mold. We had testing done that we had to do at home through a company in GA. They tested for FID TEST (Stool), ENDOTOXIN TEST (Urine), NEUROCOGNATIVE BALANCE TEST or (NBT) (Urine), HEAVY METAL TEST (Urine). We have received all of the results from these tests but there are no specialists in the area that can read them for us. We have to travel to GA for the results and treatment. I have looked on the internet to help make sense of all of it. I am able to see on the tests that listed the normal range which results are not normal. But on the Mycotoxin test It only shows "present" and "not present". It is showing she has "Aflatoxin Group - Present" "DON - present" "Zearalenone - present" "t-2 toxin - present". We are planning on taking her to GA to see the specialist but it will be another 2 weeks before we go. Can anyone shed any light on what all this means? They also included numbers for each present finding. I am so confused by all of this.