Antibiotics can have a very wide range of effects in the body. Some you'll notice very quickly and others may not surface for years. The antibiotics from your early childhood are affecting and probably have been affecting you all along, but not always in ways that you would notice or relate back to the antibiotics. Cause and Effect is not a good model in healthcare because of how long it can take the effect to manifest.
Candida Cell Wall proteins are identical to gluten proteins and can be a basis for allergic responses -
Dairy can be problematic for a couple of reasons. Pasteurized dairy is actually hard on the body. Candida can play a role in causing low levels of HCL in the body that then result in the loss of absorption of several nutrients, one of which is iron. Iron is necessary to process the casein in dairy. Most dairy in the US is a type that is also hard on the body's digestive process. Overall imbalances in digestive flora mean less beneficial bacteria that are needed to process the lactose in milk.
Candida drives a lot of inflammation in the body. That combines with the effects of antibiotics can cause ongoing brain inflammation -
Sensitivities to chemicals is usually associated with liver congestion and toxicity. It can also be due to the effects of antibiotics in altering the bacterial flora and in candida maintaining that alteration.
Candida commonly causes blood sugar imbalances that can then become their own issue. When your blood sugar is off, it also deregulated hormones, adrenals, immunity, and the nervous system -
Depression can be associated with candida for several reasons -
Sinus infections are very common -
Chronic Fatigue -
About half the people who have candida are asymptomatic. Like you, it may takes years or decades to show up. The imbalance is there regardless. You may other issues that impact your health such as genetics and stress. I see more and more young people in my practice who are having problems that typically never showed up until someone was in their 40's, 50's, and 60's.
As for antibiotics -
You have a systemic imbalance affecting many organs and tissues. You have to address the body systemically. I recommend doing the Candida Plan. Taking manuka honey isn't going to restore your health or treat candida systemically. While it has anti-candida properties, it also is a source of simple sugars that can feed candida.
The medical system doesn't have an answer for you and they don't have an answer for an increasing number of people. The pill approach doesn't work. The medical field is lacking in a lot of knowledge. The only answer that medicine has for you is to mask the symptoms, until they can't be masked any more. Their inability to help you means only one thing, it's all in your head, and that's not an answer, it's a cop-out.
I am a 19 year old female and have been suffering since I was 16 with what started out as severe seasonal allergies, chronic fatigue and eczema. Over the past few years, I have developed many more symptoms that are ruining my life including
-Intolerance for gluten and dairy
-Brain fog and mental deterioration/concentration
-No longer able to excercise
-Indigestion/food just seems to sit in stomach.
-Undigested food in stools
-Swollen, burning eyes
-Sensitivities to all make up and fragrances
-Severe fatigue, I feel like I've been hit by a truck when I wake up in the morning.
-Coated tongue and bad breath
-Weight loss, pale and gaunt face
-Muscle and joint aches
-Depression and anxiety
-Doctors think I could have fibromyalgia.
-Chronic sinus infections
-Can't tolerate cold weather.
-Very allergic to mold
I was also recently diagnosed with mono and it seems like I've had it forever. I can't work now and am failing college because I'm so ill and doctors can't figure out why. Naturopaths are too expensive. Could this all be candida or could it also be low stomach acid, heavy metals, and parasites?
I've eaten a nutritious diet and have been gluten, dairy, and Sugar free for a while not and have tried herbal antifungals, coconut oil and probiotics. The candida diets do nothing for me but make me underweight. I have tried so many supplements for leaky gut nothing seems to work.
Doctors pretty much told me there is no cure for me and that I should move from Ohio since my allergies are so bad in Ohio. All my blood tests are normal.
Could antibiotics have triggered everything I'm experiencing? I'm so frustrated that my parents listened to doctors when I was a kid and between the ages of 5-7 I had taken 6 rounds of antibiotics for ear infections. Then in high school I have had about 3-4 rounds each about 7 days of amoxicillin for sinus infections.
So I have had about 9 rounds of antibiotics in my life. What I don't understand is that my friends have taken antibiotics, drink all the time and eat unhealthy, yet they are in perfect health. Why am I like this when I live such a healthy lifestyle and the rest of my family is healthy? What can I do to get back to normal? And how can I get rid of mono faster?