Kask, are you sure that your insulin resistance hasn't progressed to Diabetes? How long ago were you diagnosed? If it is a recent diagnosis? I would get a second opinion.
Are you taking any supplements? I would suggest a whole food plant derived multi-minera/multi-vitamin supplement. Myself, I take IntraMax, which is the best there is.
Next, CoQ10. which is a powerful antioxidant that contributes to heart health.
Alpha Lipoic Acid improves the cells response to insulin.
Magnesium supplementation improves insulin resistance. I would suggest magnesium citrate.
And, lastly, Chromium GTF helps to stabilize blood sugar.
I do not believe in fasting because it denies the body important nutrients. I believe in eating correctly and talking the proper supplementation in addressing health issues. Below is a link which will give you the diet you shoud follow for insulin resistance:
Keep in mind, this isn't going to go away in a couple of days or a couple of weeks. It's going to take time. You may also want to enlist the aid of a holistic or naturopathic doctor.
Okay, your levels are pre-diabetes. I was concerned because you mentioned that your feet were numb. Also your hands. Has it only been two weeks since you have been diagnosed? If so, give it some time and see what happens.
Wishing you all the best.