Search. It can damage the mucosa, leading to more virulent infection.
The effects of Candida albicans on turpentine-induced hyperplasia of hamster cheek pouch epithelium.
Franklin CD, Martin MV.
This investigation aimed to determine the effect of Candida albicans on hyperplastic epithelium. Epithelial hyperplasia was induced in hamster cheek pouches by painting the mucosa with 50% (v/v)
Turpentine and liquid paraffin (TLP50) for 10 weeks. The pouches were then tied off with sutures after inoculation with C. albicans. Many of the pouches lost their sutures and were histologically normal after periods up to 8 weeks. Those which remained tied off showed epithelial dysplasia resembling changes seen in human candida leukoplakia. It is suggested from these preliminary experiments that C. albicans may be capable, in certain conditions, of causing further changes to hyperplastic epithelium resembling those seen in Candida leukoplakia.