Have you ever used
Antibiotics ?
Topical steroids or other steroidal medications?
There are 3 possibilities.
#1: the root of your problem are
Antibiotics , that have caused candida overgrowth of the colon or some other form of dysbiosis or dysbacteriosis, making you extremely sensitive to one or several things in your diet beside gluten.
People can be sensitive to natural foods like soy, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, onions, etc. Food you are sensitive to may trigger eczema as allergic reaction.
Assuming that wheat/gluten is the only food you are sensitive to is rather highly optimistic, taking into consideration you were suffering from the lifelong eczema.
Read about
Rotation-Elimination Diet , candida and dysbiosis,
#2: the root of your problem are Topical steroids, you are suffering from the steroids addiction and steroids withdrawal syndrome that may sometimes last for many years after a person discontinues using any steroidal medications, topical or oral. Read all
recommended messages on the Red Skin Syndrome, Topical Steroids Addiction Forum
#3: the root of your problem is any combination of #1 or #2
Read what others have done to beat eczema:
Have you done any inner body cleansing like the liver flush, enema, colonics, dental cleanup (root canals, amalgam, cavitations) ?
Consider inner body cleaning as an important step in curing eczema.
If you don't know how to find the right diet, start
Water Fasting for 3-5 days.
If Eczema clears on the fast, that is a proof: your problem is your diet.
After the 5 days fasting, include one or 2 food items per day in your diet.
Watch after any symptoms, including but not limiting to eczema.
Any item that gives you symptoms, should be eliminated for 2 - 3 or even 6 months.
After some time, you will have your own anti-eczema diet.
Inner body cleaning, and fighting candida helps with food tolerance.