There are tests you can do at home or through a doctor to find out if you are high or low.
A test of stomach acid is to give one capsule of HCL with a meal that includes protein. If the person feels a warm sensation in the stomach, he has enough stomach acid. If he feels nothing, he has low stomach acid. The next day, give two capsules with the meal and wait for the same feeling. The next day, three and so on. You also want to take them early on or in the middle of the meal rather than at the end or on an empty stomach - this is from my experience, although the doctors below say to take them at the end of the meal. I would not recommend that.
To perform this test: mix one quarter teaspoon of baking soda in eight
ounces of cold water, first thing in the morning, before eating or drinking anything except water. Drink the baking soda solution. Time how long it takes to belch. Time up to five minutes. If you have not belched within five minutes stop timing anyway.
If your stomach is producing adequate amounts of hydrochloric acid you should probably belch within two to three minutes. Early and repeated belching may be due to excessive stomach acid. Belching results from the acid and baking soda reacting to form carbon dioxide gas. The Heidelberg or Gastrocap tests can be employed for confirmation of the results of this test.
If you find out you have low stomach acid, you could take betaine hcl in the middle of your protein meals. I'm using Natural Factors without pepsin but there's a brand that has a very low amount of pepsin (4 mg) that is formulated by a doctor and is supposed to be better because it contains some pepsin but not too much - Nutrivene. Most contain over 100 mg of pepsin and people say that can burn the stomach lining. I took a digestive remedy with pepsin and hcl years ago after a meal (and probably without enough protein) and I burnt the bottom of my esophagus and suffered with heartburn like pain for a while. Now that I am taking hcl again, I am being ultra careful. I don't get heartburn but then I eat a very healthy diet. I just have very poor digestion.
Hope this helps!