Hi everyone, this is an update of my recent posts. I still have yet to find out what this and I'm becoming more and more paranoid/anxious/depressed with each passing day. I'm hoping that now my issues have gotten bigger (literally) someone will be able to better help with the identification of these things. The following pics are what was found in my vomit after I just randomly got nauseous out of the blue and had to make a quick dash to the bathroom (No, I'm not pregnant, just to clarify lol). Sorry for the graphic-ness but I am literally desperate for some answers to help ease my mind. :( Seriously any kind of reply would be extremely helpful; I just feel like I'm going crazy! I guess I technically am, I can't even see a piece of fuzz on my couch without feeling the need to thoroughly examine it! Please help! :(
The white things have a weird texture, sort of feels like an onion when I press down on it, and I cannot cut in half or anything.
Found this kind of embedded in the white thing, but I have also been finding these all over my house: shower, under toilet bowl, bathroom floor, embedded in my clothes, and even the kitchen which is unnerving being that I cook and eat food in there!!!!! Thank you for taking the time to read, please reply if you think you know what this could be. :(