The spirit of God is also the spirit that gives live to the Creation of life itself and life is as we know it, meat or body or flesh or the world His world. SO do you like to make impression or danger in destroying and so loving it for ours invention that we call life source? Is our minds not mad enough with this same spirit that destroys in the same time as it thinks of it? we know now that the elites making wars or means to kill are more mad and insane then we are, but as a job/duty I am not evil to be a solder, or member of them to feed my family, my own wonderful children. It is a duty to have a family, now? To have a wife and children that in reality you cannot love. why? How much it takes to see this world? just open your eyes and if you have His Love you see in his spirit creation life but we are too angry, blind and wanting what it comes into the dead minds as first thing so that we invent more weapon or just tools to kill even more and more for we know no kindness as His kindness to His creations and ours. we are blind in our/no-only-theirs power to invention the inner world created with ideas out of the dead impression and thus desire to make that into hope that there is life in there(faith, what faith?) but only more desire as one hate the reality of God creation which comes before our desire of impression or memory or spirit/dream out of the death. so it comes that we have death because of this evil spirit or desire to kill life for more impression and hate to life or reality or to God. all the leaders have used this desire (fear we do not live if not obey them, they invented a dragon, invisible enemy) so we add them as death mind to our/to theirs death one for more impression and so we have to love what hates life itself and that is the spirit of Satan if you like. How much we have to desire to live reality? not so much if we are kind and have the spirit of God or His Creation coming to us thus less desire is created less real hate against life less invented. there are many excuses for not believe this true spirit for the sake of evil because otherwise we are frightened to die, from them their desire if not into this death impression. so we have to know that heaven is here and that is the Creation that comes before desire and our world in which we would die. who is evil? we fear that we are happy satisfied and kind to what satisfy us/to God or nature so as not to destroy it or God Himself or his creation or His spirit.
now can we be aware of this reality this God you love? tell me or we do not trust our selves and for whom... what next, logic. but logic from the spirit of life into His creation and not ours. can we live without him, no, can we live with ours, no. why?
Please, more input, no, why? where and with what we live? Do you like it? Do we have consciousness and what we call it? Thank you see in heaven! my children