Thanks for the info. And Phelp I've seen that video, I've done a lot of research I'm just looking for advice or opinions. I am also wondering if I got my tooth removed, it's number 19 so bottom second to back, um would a partial be something I could look at? I know it's not covered probably by my ins. but I don't want a bridge because my teeth around that tooth are looking pretty good. The other option I was thinking would be, now don't completely dismiss this, applying some ultrasound to the area and try to grow a new tooth. I know if there is no root its' almost impossible or is. But firstly, I don't know that he got all of my root. And secondly the human body can do amazing things. Now I know if there is no root then it's medically impossible but I'm not that quick to give up...Anyways any opinions on if I should get that tooth pulled and options for after? I know the damn ins. won't cover the extraction unless it's infected or something so I think I might have them xray it again or at least look at it. But yea.
My RC extractions were circa 2000,and I'm sure things have changed. I haven't kept up with the changes.
At the time I considered implants, but most were of metal. I didn't want any metal of any kind because of the interuption of signals from the brain to the rest of the body. Ceramic was also an option, but at the time I was told to new to tell how they would hold up.
Plus I was told that having a RC extracted was a cake walk compared to having an implant removed if something went wrong.
I did go and have the complete work up done for implants. Cost for 4 at that time was 20k. They also advertised a whole mouth of perfect teeth in one day. Cost 50k.
So, I don't have any advice, or opinions. [Well one, have the RC removed. You'll be glad you did.] Wish I could help.
Best of luck.